Bath Stuff

Dec 27, 2005 19:08

My parents wanted me to move my books back today, because we have guests tomorrow night in the room they were in. So I decided to put away my Christmas presents from friends, a lot of which happened to be yet again: bath stuff. Now I myself try if possible not to give my friends or my family bath stuff, because I know they have as much use for it as I do, which is none, because I already have too much from being given it by people. One of my friends, who will remain nameless, and I hope to goodness she has not accidentally stumbled across this webpage because if she reads this she will know who she is: for the last four years (excluding last year so three years) has given me bath stuff, and actually the majority of bath stuff I own was probably given to me by her but some of it from birthday presents or something which thankfully now she doesn't really bother giving me as such (she gets me something when she is shopping with me so I get to pick) two years in a row before last year when she thankfully managed to break the habit and gave me a rather nice cuddly toy reindeer, but then this year she gave me bath stuff again! I wouldn't have a problem with that if it wasn't for the small dilemna of mine that means I have so much bubble bath I would have to take a bath every day for a year as opposed to a shower to use it all up. The reason I mention this is because when clearing out my wee cupboard where I keep all my bath stuff, to make room for all the new things, I discovered to my amazement that I still haven't used the bubble bath she gave me four Christmases ago! This I found rather amazing and just had to mention it here. I have a strange question, why do people always give each other bubble bath, when they know it will take the recipient forever and a day to use as they barely ever have a bath and shower gel would be much more welcome? This question is as likely to be given a satisfying answer as my new ultimate question (I had to change my old one from "the ultimate question of life the universe and everything (=42 hitchhikers guide)" because the same friend who is a member of the Bahai faith told me about how on page forty-two of her religion's holy book, verse 42 or something it says "the oneness of mankind" and while I find it very difficult to believe this answer I felt the need to change it because whenever I asked that question she would answer with said response) "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"(tongue twister)(the same friend answers this question with "As much as it could" which isn't a proper answer so this ultimate question is at the moment safe as neither her nor anyone else can give me a proper answer.)
Anyhow that was very hard to explain in writing so back to the shelves: they didn't work, so ha in your face mum! They do hold more books than the bookcase or at least they would if it wasn't for the fact that I have to put the stuff that used to be at the sides of my bookcase on the bottom shelf so the stuff that used to fit in the same space almost doesn't fit, which means I was right, but my mum still prefers the shelves so...
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