Trope List

Feb 21, 2011 08:07

Baby Got Back - ...yeah
Bad Dreams - canonically admits to having nightmares and PTSD after Outer Heaven/Zanzibar Land, likely for longer than that.
Badass Abnormal
Be All My Sins Remembered
Byronic Hero
Blood Brothers
- Otacon, Fox
Blood Knight

Cain And Abel
Cloning Blues
Companion Cube - ...cardboard boxes. yep.

Deadpan Snarker - Sometimes more the deadpan than the snark.
Defrosting Ice...Queen(?)
Dirty Business
Drowning My Sorrows

Gallows Humor - Snake your sense of humor sucks
Good Is Not Nice
Guttural Growler

Heterosexual Life Partners - Sup, Otacon.
The Hero - don't dare say it to his face, or he'll deny it forever. But he really is.
Heroic BSOD - Nine times out of ten, everything he knows is a lie and everyone he trusts is going to betray him. He tends to push on, regardless, but after what happened in Zanzibar Land he shut down completely and moved out to the middle of Alaska with a bunch of dogs for a couple years.
Heroic Self Deprecation see - "I'm no hero, never was." or "The real me doesn't measure up to the legend."
Heros Want Redheads - You bet he's still kind of hung up on Meryl.
Hurting Hero
His Story Repeats Itself - looooots of this. Infiltrate and enemy base to take down a giant bipedal robot and stop war from breaking out. Over and over and over. He's the death of pretty much anyone who's related to him by blood. He "kills" BB twice, before finally finishing the job because of FOXDIE. On the other hand, he can't bring himself to kill Fox again, even when it would have taken Liquid out at the same time.

I Am Not My Father
Iron Woobie

Jerk With A Heart Of Gold
- Sometimes leaning more toward “Jerk” but he's better than he was, honestly.

Knight in Sour Armor

Luke, I Am Your Father
- Goddammit Big Boss

Made of Iron
Man Hug - not above them. Sometimes preceded by awesome secret handshakes.
Messianic Archetype - no, really. "They are portrayed as a savior, whether the thing they are saving is a person, a lot of people or the whole of humanity. They endure a sizable sacrifice as the means of bringing that salvation about for others, a fate they do not deserve up to and including death or a Fate Worse Than Death."
Miles to Go Before I Sleep - He's okay with death, but if he's got a job to do, he's going to get it done first. In MGS1 when he learns the FOXDIE could kill him, too; he's more concerned about whether or not he'll have time to take Metal Gear down before it does. And lets not even get into MGS4...

Neutral Good

Not So Different
- Quite a few of his enemies (Liquid, Mantis, even Raven, I think) remark that he's not so different from them, even worse then them.

One Man Army - Literally

Parrot Exposition - Metal Gear?!?

Person Of Mass Destruction
- Snake was unknowingly injected with a virus called FOXDIE, which was designed to kill certain people involved in the Shadow Moses incident (including him), over the course of ten years it mutated and, if left unchecked, would have begun to kill indiscriminately, making him a walking WMD.

Say My Name
Screw Destiny - Outright said he doesn't care what his genes say about him, that people should make their own choices, their own futures, etc.

Shell Shocked Veteran
- "nearly completely emotionally crippled by war by the age of thirty and had to work his way out of it again."
Shoot the Dog
Sibling Yin-Yang - With Liquid. Definitely. dark/light, quiet/loud, thoughtful/ goes on.

Sliding Scale of AntiHeroes
- probably at least a type II/III, implied by people like Mantis and Liquid to be more of a type V

Smoking Is Cool

Stoic Woobie
Super Soldier

Tall Dark and Snarky

The Mentor
- as much as he sort of resists it, he tends to do this without meaning to. (see Meryl, Raiden.)

Unable to Cry - "I don't have any more tears to shed."
Unwitting Pawn - ...story of his life. :|

Warrior Poet

With This Herring
- on site procurement. Heck, he defeated Big Boss with a lighter and an aerosol can.
Worthy Opponent

Younger Than They Look
Your Days Are Numbered - Even if a bullet or FOXDIE doesn't get him, the accelerated aging will. He only has about 5 years left to live.

Zen Survivor

[Siren's Pull Specific]

IncestYay - Nno. You can dream, Yaha.

character info, headcanon

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