[Code 23] Oh, No!

Sep 11, 2008 17:58

[There is the sound of frantic typing as Aelita speaks, her voice sounding incredibly distressed.]

I am so sorry, everyone! I haven't been myself at all lately!

I'm sending out the kill commands for the annoyancebot and the sparkle text right now. I'm so sorry I inflicted that on all of you! I don't know what got into me, but I'm sure that'll fix every--

[There is a sudden pause followed by a horrified gasp.]

Oh, merde! Quatre!

[There is a clatter as the user drops her messenger in her haste. There is the sound of the a door being slammed open and then shut along with footsteps running. Then there is silence until the recording times out.]

[[OOC: Bye bye, meatpuppet!Aelita. I will miss you. But, yes, that means no more sparkle text and annoyancebot for you all. Thanks to everyone who decided to infect themselves. I was incredibly amused. XD And hurry and take screenshots of AU!Quatre's journal before the damage is undone! XDDD]]

voice post, plot, meatpuppet

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