The Stream of Memory

May 16, 2005 08:17

Iason stands at the stream, and plunges his hands into the water.

Part of him knows this is a dream, only a memory, but mostly he simply enjoys the feel of the cool water running through his fingers.

His name is Iason, here, and he is only 12 years old. He is a thin lad, long red hair that drapes over his shoulders. Some of the girls of the village have already been looking at him, and so have some of their mothers. He considers himself world-weary and wise. This is the longest he and his master have remained in one place, to his memory... he looks over the leather pouch, filled with herbs which will be ground into poultices when his master returns.

His master, the Merlin, has not been seen for most of the day. He has not given Iason much attention since they found the boy who will be King of Britannia.

Iason looks at his reflection in the stream. Part of him knows that, in this particular memory, the Merlin will return from dealing with Lot, the king of the Far Isles, growling and muttering to himself. And then, when he is done doing that... he will call Iason in, and begin to teach him the ways of magic in earnest.

The red-haired boy waits for someone to arrive. Will it be Merlin, as per the true memory? Or will something else happen, in this place of dreams, this palace of unconsciousness?
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