Here's my starting point

Feb 17, 2004 14:18

Almost ready for ICND exam. I need to review enough to take the voucher exam and get a voucher so I don't have to pay again, since I've already paid for INTRO (and passed, yay!!).

Job Hunt continues. No word from Sxxxx about the job they called about last week, supposedly my resume's in the manager's hands. In the meantime, I'm filling out job apps for part-time retail jobs and hoping something will open up.

SC Diet continues, seems to have made a great improvement in Crohn's symptoms since Feb 1. I tested by going off it yesterday, and symptoms returned immediately and with a vengeance. So at least I know it's the diet and not just general improvement.

Off to class, hope the network is back up. Review, review, review.

Now that my start point is established, I can log on for events only. Like OSPF (a little networking joke there).
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