May 07, 2012 17:07
it hurts more than it feels right
but i know that it's more right than it seems
and it hurts far less than it feels
just keep repeating maybe someday
maybe someday, maybe someday, maybe someday
and maybe not. keep your head up and
keep walking. it seems you have somewhere to go
somewhere, wherever and ever
and maybe someone will be waiting there
someone that you have been waiting to see
for what feels like your entire life
a life of searching
of losing, of loving and longing.
this life - strange and sounding hollow
but look! how strong you are
to just keep going, if only
to keep your head up and keep walking.
she won't know how much these things...
she'll probably never know how much you...
or maybe someday (maybe someday)
she will realize, just everything and
everything else
and you'll find her there, waiting
or maybe not.