I saw Phantom again. And I am more in love with Emmy Rossum that ever
so pretty. Anyway, it was fun seeing it again cuz i got fun
commentary from Stina. I need to buy that soundtrack. I
must!!! Anyway, Philadelphia got into the SuperBowl, bastards.
New England will crush them easily though. No contest. I
bought a harmonica and its awesome. My bro came over today. He
burned me the new hanson cd, and it is suprisingly good. These
are the same kids who sang MMMBop,. but they aren't little kids
anymore, and therefore they don't suck. I went to the mall with
Renae and Dave and Taylor, who i just met. Fun fun. Enough
for now.
Oh! P.S. Ali said "I must see Coupling. It isn't a want. I
need to." I will convert you all, just see.
Bwwaaaaahahahaha (evil cackle while stroking my nonhater cat (the grey