
Jan 01, 2010 13:11

Name: Apples
Number: 99.
Pairing: WC, Writer chose HenryxOC. Ashley(my OC)-centric. Not really a couple though.
Genre: Boring.
Warning: I think it sucks.
Author: aa_koliqizm192
Summary: "Henry is cooking my supper for today. Let's see how it turns."
Note: It's for Super Junior 100 fanfics challenge.
Note2: My 100 fanfics list.
Note3: To look at the challenge, Click here.

"Really? Ryeowook once said that your cooking sucked," said the girl and laughed after seeing the other's face. He looked hurt by those words. Even if it sucked, Ashley was gonna eat it. Because he was gonna spend effort on it. Ryeowook didn't cook very well either but she just liked to eat food that was made by someone else. (She was lazy to cook for herself) Henry liked to do things for her and would request/do everything for her. Because Kibum was gone, Henry could only talk to Ashley. She knew English and she liked talking English more than talking Korean.
"But I wouldn't say no to French fries." Henry glared at her and sticked out his tongue at her. He said nothing and went to kitchen with small steps. 'Isn't it too oily for supper?' The girl pondered, glancing at the boy who was looking for something in fridge. He took the meat out of the fridge and the girl growled.
"Why are you cooking meat for me when I said I wanted French fries?" Henry said nothing and turned around to use the sink. Why was Henry being this cold? He would smile, talk and joke around. Except some days, he would always do these weird stuff. Ashley was wondering if she did something wrong. While he was being busy, Ashley took an apple. Henry saw that and slapped her hand. "No snacks before supper," said the boy with brown hair and cold look. Glaring at other, Ashley took a bite from the green apple.
"Why are you being like that?" Cold voice asked to the girl.
"Why am I being like what?! You are the one who keeps insulting me! I'm here for you! I needed to go to the dance studio but I talked to the manager and stayed here! You keep, I don't know, glaring, being silent, doing the things you weren't doing before. It's my only day off and you are driving me crazy here! I care about you and... you are just..." She didn't finish the sentence and walked over the fridge. She adjusted her scarf on her neck and opened the door of the grayish fridge. She took the plate with pumpkin with syrup and walnuts, then a fork. Without looking at the younger guy, the girl moved to the living room. She ate silently before he came from kitchen with an apple in his left hand. She heard something like 'Finish this first' and took the apple from his hand. Then shoved the apple in his mouth. Hearing a mumble, she laughed at the sight before her eyes. She moved her fork and take some dessert from her plate. Then held it to Henry.
"You want some? There's plenty. I did it." He smiled as he kept taking bites from the apple. As he walked towards windows, Ashley watched him. Small hands closed the curtains on to windows. Then '18 year old' boy turned around and smiled.
"Want to watch a horror film tonight?" Ashley glared at him with the urge of throwing him the plate. The night was still young and the house was full of sharp things.

A/N: Lol, it's so funny to write something like this. Actually I had 4 words to write a story for English. So i picked to do it a drabble. :P

fanfic: drabble, pairing: henryxashley, band: super junior m, member: henry, pairing: henryxoc, fanfic, super junior mandarin, !-challenge, !-fanfic, super junior 100 fanfic challenge

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