April Fools Whispers!

Apr 02, 2007 01:39

I have cencored some whispers!

Some of the time stamps arent in order! If they said something more than once, it was moved. I also skipped a couple. I dont have the time to post all 293 whispers. ;p

You might notice aswell that I responded with ':cackles!' in most of these that I added my resonce to.. Thats cause I was going to try to respond to everyone! ..but then I got too lazy and stopped. ;p

(10:22:04 PM) Krista Nalon: Hey! I hated it! But then I loved it!

(10:22:12 PM) Borris: That was f**king kickass. :D

(10:22:13 PM) Dragoncody#two: I love it!

(10:22:17 PM) The Wild SilverClaw: That was fun, Ryo!

(10:22:19 PM) SpamCannon: I have a few bugs to report...

(10:22:23 PM) Ranmaru Mori: it was awesome Thier were so many CLONES! LoLz

(10:22:25 PM) Maila Blackheart: Very nice trick hun, Keep up the good work. xD

(10:22:26 PM) Zounderkite: it sucked.

(10:22:28 PM) Kiyichichi: ..You realize people who had remap colors on were capable of stealing ports, right?

(10:22:31 PM) Malkivak: I thought the gag was hularious.

(10:22:40 PM) Wiren2: Didn't really notice.

(10:22:54 PM) Farst: Really funny! Hope to see something funnier next year!

(10:22:55 PM) Kujiku Maboroshi: Kujiku|Maboroshi hugs :3

(10:22:54 PM) Mukoru: Hey! This thing was confusing but Funny! I liked it. ;P

(10:22:55 PM) Niaoshi: OMG! I luv it! Could there be like a ~colorshift thingie so that we can switch whenever we want to?

(10:22:56 PM) Rai-Rai: I loved the color switchings! #SE#SE Confused me lots and made me laugh. Definitely made my character blend in with the crowd.

(10:22:57 PM) Tigris E.: <3

(10:23:03 PM) Gonkuld: Cool. 8D

(10:23:05 PM) Charhound: Thats was pretty cool. I would like to learn the ds to doing that myself.

(10:23:05 PM) Fudge Luvv: SMEXY.

(10:23:05 PM) Kyokukou: You don't know me but I thought the color-changing was awesome, good job x3

(10:23:04 PM) Musei Itami: 'twas cool :3

(10:22:26 PM) TigerLilley: i dont get it!
(10:23:04 PM) TigerLilley: r u on???

(10:23:04 PM) Wonka: It was annoying. D:

(10:23:07 PM) Zowie Blaze: That was awesome. xD

(10:23:08 PM) Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes: I hate you! KILL YOURSELF.

(10:23:09 PM) Fasaal Tiaer: I think I missed something so I think nothing of it! But I'm certain it was an evil little prank... If you're a prankster you're coo in my book. xD

(10:23:10 PM) Jowls: Eh...

(10:23:15 PM) Gothica #1: it was really funny

(10:23:15 PM) Inuyasha the Demon Dog: Ok Color what now?

(10:23:15 PM) Kiyazi: Ryooo. <3 Nice job on the coloring prank. :D I really loved it. <3

(10:23:16 PM) J.T #SO Pinktail: it was cool the annoying at some points for the color thingy lol

(10:23:18 PM) Anargo Tilarus: awesome n.n thanks for the one... it totally threw me off gurad. I ended up falling out of my chair!!!! THANKS ROFL!!!! IT WAS DELiCIOUS!!!

(10:23:19 PM) Blitzkrieg Bop: Funneh xp

(10:23:19 PM) Crysty Wolf: i thought it was just a glitch at first and thougt it was pretty wierd but later i figured out it was part of the april fools day and then thought it was cool

(10:23:18 PM) Planeh: It's pwnsome!

(10:23:23 PM) BlueStarThunderCat: Great prank, I was completely stumped till I realized it was April Fools Day xD

(10:23:22 PM) San: hot ds

(10:23:25 PM) Davricus Hellian: heh I thought it ewas...interesting heh at first i was like..huh? why do i look different.. then i checked my furc chara editor, and had seen the same colors as i always had.

(10:23:25 PM) Ewickly: I love it. <3

(10:23:25 PM) Poliptic: Good job with the april fools thing. I thought my computer was fuging up. xD

(10:23:55 PM) Kir: Think of something better kplzthx.

(10:23:52 PM) Gen-Rah: Your update took off all the dreams, corrupted my Furc log for the day and messed Furc up so badly my RP partner just left this morning. ): You're a bad, bad person.

(10:23:16 PM) Chloe R. Winsdale: I loved stealing other user's colors!
(10:24:14 PM) Chloe R. Winsdale: If this is the same Ryo in the announcement.

(10:24:18 PM) Typo: April fools was orgasmic

(10:24:32 PM) Kurano: It was fun but it got annoying sometimes, Like when it was morning i bumped into someone/something and went upside down. And the names went crazy. But to top it all off it was wicked.

(10:25:04 PM) MeIIa: F**king brilliant. I just loved trying to explain to people freaking out thinking it was a glitch, that it was only april fool's day. I should of idled the whole day like I usually do on April Fools.

(10:25:05 PM) Skylight: Great. That was fabulous.

(10:25:28 PM) Xunatra: The whole color switching thing, I thought I was drugged up, honestly.

(10:22:05 PM) Devil's Tongue: Ryo! You dummy!

(10:22:12 PM) Persilla: kinda made me wanna kill someone.
(10:23:07 PM) Persilla: like really
(10:23:14 PM) Persilla: it was gay
(10:23:23 PM) Persilla: i wanted to beat them all up
(10:23:27 PM) Persilla: and the oculars thing
(10:23:29 PM) Persilla: that was funny

(10:22:05 PM) Draxonfly: o_o
(10:22:17 PM) Draxonfly: >O So. You're to blame?
(10:24:21 PM) Draxonfly: Shame on you! -Joking-

(10:22:14 PM) Kerrick : I'M GOING TO EAT YOUR SOUL!!! xD

(10:22:15 PM) Blood's Tear: xP Hahaha. I got color-theived like... 1000 times. Ebil!

(10:22:16 PM) Overture Demanno: To be honest, I thought it was my proxy. Good work.

(10:22:16 PM) Noise: I hated it. #SK

(10:22:16 PM) InuYasha-kun: The april fools thing was... Scary. o.o

(10:29:14 PM) Pwnage Homes: It was kinda annoying

(10:29:24 PM) Fiesty Belle: It was a pain in the bum

(10:22:17 PM) Xeia: You pwn. 8)

(10:28:34 PM) Northkeep: I thought it was really cute!
(10:29:39 PM) Northkeep: I look forward to the 1. April pranks every year! And I can never tell what's being planned. So thanks for not letting me down. #SE

(10:22:17 PM) Vesra: nice idea I was quite happy with the color combo :3

(10:22:19 PM) TheWerelupeeKing: Hey,I'm to whisper to you about the color switch,right?
(10:23:24 PM) TheWerelupeeKing: Well,anyways,I,for one,found it delightful!Good job!I got to copy my IC mother's colors!

(10:30:35 PM) Sahera: Thank you for the awesome color switching insanity. Much more enjoyable than the upside down Furc when bumping into people. I loved this best of all I think. #SA

(10:22:20 PM) Night Shadow: hey ur prank was awesome!!!!

(10:22:19 PM) Feril: I hate you. D=
(10:22:26 PM) Feril: Just kidding. =3

(10:22:19 PM) Gerrark: Loved it, Nice craziness.

(10:22:03 PM) Go: -.-
(10:22:09 PM) Go: (You've created a war. :D)

(10:22:19 PM) Wardd: it was anoying i didnt like it
(10:30:20 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:30:47 PM) Wardd: goodjob tho wouldent have thought of it tho ill get ya back 1 way or another

(10:22:20 PM) Kuyosi: Funny prank, I though fc had a glich

(10:22:20 PM) Ezzel: Lol, It was funny e.e

(10:30:57 PM) Itai Kizu: I don't like having twins like this...o.o

(10:22:20 PM) Midna: I hated it. -.-;;

(10:22:21 PM) Furonda: loved the color switch thing

(10:31:08 PM) Maximilian: Amusing to the max.

(10:31:13 PM) Amy Kayton: You suck

(10:22:19 PM) Friends: Funneh prank. =3

(10:22:21 PM) Pw: I didnt like it.

(10:22:23 PM) Cutefangs: i hate you

(10:22:23 PM) Angle Foxytail: Your prank was weird but cool. How'd you do it?


(10:22:24 PM) Pyretta: wtf, mate! jk nice job.

(10:32:12 PM) Naomi Fluegel: Ha. I loved it. Atfirst i thought something was wrong with my computer, but then after seeing so many furres of the exact same color sitting in a heap...i just laughed.

(10:22:25 PM) Fagz: BEST APRIL FOOLS JOKE!

(10:32:21 PM) Edward: Kudos on the sweet prank. :D The rest were damned annoying as hell, but the color changing thing was AWESOME. It made for some damned good sillyness at 6am this morning. You're a genious! XD

(10:22:23 PM) Lim Dul: Thank you so much...
(10:31:52 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:32:27 PM) Lim Dul: Lim|Dul was being sarcastic. #SB "Naw, it was fun."

(10:22:25 PM) Skitz: Very wonderful er...prank thing, had me confused! :3

(10:30:09 PM) Tenka Emberwolf: Best fun ever with the April Fool's joke, especially since I missed last year's. Thanks for all the joy! *warm furry hugs & kisses*

(10:33:00 PM) Reigne Wolvenshire: Nice idea. The oculars thing caught me off gaurd, big time. And I thought my computer was really messing up bad this morning. Heh.

(10:33:24 PM) Fermi: yo ryo here a shout out to ya loved your trick nice work. Look forward to next year. P.s. Had alot of fun with my group of about thirty or so furres all my color. ^^

(10:22:23 PM) Black Flame: I thought it was fun #SE
(10:23:11 PM) Black Flame: thanks for that fun,today,I swor I say like,100 rainbow furres in one spot

(10:22:26 PM) Gui-zun: pretty awsome switching...

(10:22:23 PM) Deumos Paymon: I must say, splendid job on the prank, hehe. Though, do you know who created the interface?

(10:33:56 PM) 246O1: >.>

(10:22:26 PM) Occlumancy: Hi
(10:22:40 PM) Occlumancy: you rock! XD

(10:22:28 PM) Striderrs: Gj, I love pissing ppl off with that, hope you do it even better next year (;
(10:22:44 PM) Striderrs: its fun for getting an army and attacking Japan xD

(10:22:30 PM) Ali: lol it was funny. n_n

(10:22:31 PM) Daburah: It was hard to walk and I didn't like it.
(10:22:38 PM) Daburah: o.o

(10:22:33 PM) Positive Disease: ...This is retarded :D
(10:27:24 PM) Positive Disease: I hope this NEVER happens again
(10:27:38 PM) Positive Disease: This was a very lame 'prank'

(10:22:28 PM) naomi-san: that was fun!
(10:34:14 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:34:23 PM) naomi-san: hi=3
(10:35:44 PM) naomi-san: =3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3 #SO#SO#SO#SO#SO#SO#SO#SO#SO=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=3=33=3=3=3=3=3=3=3= w00t [random bordness]

(10:22:38 PM) Rosalyn Rag-Ear: Oh my GOSH, I have so much paint to wash out of my fur.

(10:22:39 PM) Zokela: That was sooo sweet! I love you!

(10:22:39 PM) valarian: howd you do that? it was so funny i was rainbow and i was like omg howd this happen

(10:22:38 PM) Nala Treestar: that was not funny. I thought my furc had a bug
(10:36:01 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:36:48 PM) Nala Treestar: not funny

(10:22:37 PM) Fierce Fang: GOOD WHY!!!!!?!??!!?

(10:22:39 PM) SunPup: can ju do it again that was awsome!!!

(10:22:29 PM) Carley: hate @ you

(10:23:35 PM) Tina Titmouse: omg that was you?!
(10:24:07 PM) Tina Titmouse: I was seriously going bonkers thinking my furc was on the blink when I bumped into a furre and assumed their coloration!
(10:37:48 PM) Tina Titmouse: good gag though.

(10:23:15 PM) davuu: heeehh *expects you to be bomabbbrded with whispers and protects with a shield:P

(10:22:40 PM) Tropical Cyclone: this color thing is weird, i didn't really like it, no offense...

(10:22:41 PM) Achkrin Williams: The color thing? Nice.
(10:22:44 PM) Achkrin Williams: I liked it

(10:22:28 PM) Brian M. Mullen: Thanks to you lag infested I as 47 yellow and gold noobs ran around screaming there colors...>.>
(10:33:45 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:38:24 PM) Brian M. Mullen: You are the sole reason for my lag and disconnection today...that is not a laughing matter. I seriously took consideration to getting them ejected from Imaginarium.
(10:40:27 PM) Brian M. Mullen: I will let it go, you are probably lagging from the sole amount of whispers to you.

(10:22:44 PM) Tessar: WHY?! XD I was spazzing and trying to figure out what the snap was goin' on with my charries!
(10:26:08 PM) Tessar: But, awesome just the same. <3

(10:23:05 PM) Erro Shadowclaw: you are a cruel cruel furre #SA

(10:23:09 PM) Sockets: Wow, this was probably the best April fools thing ever.
(10:46:45 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:47:04 PM) Sockets: It's fun, but crazy!
(10:47:47 PM) Sockets: But it was caused much less more havoc then last year when we flipped upside down and ran into walls.
(10:47:51 PM) Sockets: Sockets highfives.
(10:47:55 PM) Sockets: Nice work!

(10:53:33 PM) Snowtail#SO: yo i heRD YOU DSIS Prank
(10:53:35 PM) Snowtail#SO: thanks funny

(10:25:55 PM) Shalm Gar: I liked the kiwi's and the l33t speak better.
(10:26:25 PM) Shalm Gar: just sayin'

(10:22:25 PM) Nuke: Nice. It was hilarious, a lot of people thought it was a glitch. A+

(10:22:27 PM) Sasuke The Avenger: thanks for the fools #SA
(10:22:34 PM) Sasuke The Avenger: lol
(10:34:07 PM) Sasuke The Avenger: what was with that it wasnt even funny i thought there was something wrong with my pc!
(10:34:32 PM) Sasuke The Avenger: i reformated my pc cuz of it!

(10:22:20 PM) Yume Wolf: xD it was awesome
(10:22:28 PM) Yume Wolf: the April fools stuff
(10:22:40 PM) Yume Wolf: good job <3333
(10:22:54 PM) Yume Wolf: much thanks from me and the Anime Hangout

(10:22:40 PM) Garret: you should keep it like this everyday

(10:22:49 PM) Reina BlueFire: the whole fiasco was extremely confusing and amazingly hilarious. Way to go!

(10:24:16 PM) Paw: <3
(10:24:19 PM) Paw: Paw touches.
(10:24:44 PM) Paw: I love you.

(10:24:02 PM) Wizard Dulcia: It has became very annyoing.
(10:56:06 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:57:42 PM) Wizard Dulcia: You evil feind.
(11:45:23 PM) Ryo: >)
(Notice the timestamp? Thats how long I was going through these..!)

(10:24:58 PM) The Popkin: I likah the way you smell.

(10:22:07 PM) Nathaniel De'vir: Mrowl?
(10:25:10 PM) Nathaniel De'vir: Oh, oh I see how it is. Here I was about to dote and fawn over you for providing good entertainment, but nooo. XD

(10:28:37 PM) Invidia: It WaS YoU! D;; OmGwTf D;;; hOw DaRe YoU! ThAt PrAnK WuZ AwFuL, I LiKe LoGeD oN aNd WaS LiKe OmG WtH My CoLoRz ThEy Iz FlIPpIn Out D; KTHNX! D;
(Invidia, you evil woman!)

(10:22:25 PM) Bonjour: Moo.

(10:22:29 PM) Jew: I HATE YOU
(10:34:18 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:34:39 PM) Jew: The announcements have interrupted a wedding. I hope you're happy, man. :/
(11:24:56 PM) Ryo: Congrats to the wedding-ees!
(11:25:12 PM) Jew: Talk about a delayed reaction.
(11:53:15 PM) Ryo: Lots of whispers to go through!

(10:36:55 PM) Christabelle: I liked the prank. :3 It amused me insanely to see people running around with my colours... I think it should last longer than just one day. =/ We should totally be able to DS it into our dreams... xD That would be awesome. (Are you actually reading/replying to all these? >.>)
(11:28:33 PM) Ryo: I am reading them all!
(11:28:41 PM) Ryo: And replying to .. most! well I was replying to all
(11:28:45 PM) Ryo: but it was taking too long!
(11:28:47 PM) Ryo: I've only now gotten to yours!
(11:28:51 PM) Ryo: I got a LOT of whispers! XD
(11:29:12 PM) Christabelle: xD Wow. Are you using a proxy to keep track?
(Thankfully! Thank you, Rey! XD)

(10:22:44 PM) Bran O'Connor: You crazy.

(10:25:23 PM) Lumos: Obligatory spam!!

(10:23:41 PM) Arsonist Melly: damn you. D:

Not such a happy customer! ( I changed them to 'Nameless' - that is not their Furcadian name )
(10:23:23 PM) Nameless: You arranged that 4/1/07 prank?
(10:29:19 PM) Nameless: Well lemme say thats the most imature thing I've ever seen.It's bad enough the Sonic community's dreams are doing stupid things that totally annoy people but thats just encourraging bad behavior.It's one thing to celebrate a decent holliday like Christmas or Honica or thx giving or something real but why on earth go through the trouble just to totally annoy everyone?That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense and seems like a total waste of time just to think up a way to get ov people's nerves.I don't need a holliday to make me look like an idiot or for people to prank me or stupid things.I get enough of that year round from this community and really don't need to know that even the staff do things like this.Thats just plain wrong.
(10:48:49 PM) Ryo: Simple and fun, no worries!
(10:50:00 PM) Nameless: ...You're gonna pull this again next year, aren't you?
(10:55:24 PM) Nameless: It might be fun for some people that know how to handle it.But I doubt you've seen the imature idiots that I associate with.They take things too far and are constantly targeting people like me.AKA noobs/newbs.The last thing we really need is something to encourrage this behavior as I've said.Earlier I was summoned to a Sonic dream called SITS by the owner and my so-called friend.I thought it was something important but turns out that when I went to change my species I turned into a slice of cake!Her word for noobs is "Snack cake"
(10:57:30 PM) Nameless: To make it worse.It only effects foxes.In our community a fox is a horse because everyone here is too retarded to tell a fox is a canine and put the patches as such.I'm the only one with enough sense to do it right obviously but thats not the pooint.It's not a smart idea to give people a reason to poke fun at us.It's really kind of scary to know that even the staff poke fun at us...
(11:43:31 PM) Ryo: We aren't poking fun at you. #SA
(11:45:02 PM) Nameless: I didn't say you were.
(11:46:19 PM) Nameless: I said it's not a smart idea to give people a reason or an excuse to do it more.
(11:47:13 PM) Nameless: And it's scry to know the staff and bekins won't even help us when we're beiing harrassed and bullied and being made fun of because they seem to do the same thing.
(11:51:49 PM) Nameless: I might have over reacted but I was frustrated and acting a little emo but my point is that it seems like this game's one big joke...

(10:22:30 PM) 93705: HI
(10:23:02 PM) 93705: >_>
(10:23:31 PM) 93705: HI
(10:32:03 PM) 93705: >_>
(10:34:25 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:34:28 PM) Ryo: ...
(10:34:29 PM) Ryo: Howdy!
(10:34:32 PM) 93705: Hi :)
(10:34:38 PM) 93705: how are you? :)
(10:39:40 PM) 93705: you wanna be my friend dont you :o
(10:39:46 PM) 93705: i know you do :p
(10:39:46 PM) 93705: lol

10:22:21 PM) Temperance 14: nice... I was so confused at first, good job #SB

(10:22:03 PM) Teiu: Evil little thingy xD
(10:22:09 PM) Teiu: It was confusing half the time
(10:22:16 PM) Teiu: I was all "...clones? o_o!"
(10:22:26 PM) Teiu: and I actually thought I had ss for a second there xD

(10:23:01 PM) Bronach: Bronach bothers like everyone else will after hearing the emit "Good thinking!" :D

(10:22:09 PM) Zala The Tormented: what whole thing?

(10:22:18 PM) Raiu Thunder: I'm annoyed
(10:29:33 PM) Ryo: Ryo cackles!
(10:31:58 PM) Raiu Thunder: Your evilness is outstanding. Congrats, you've pissed off alot of people

The end!

All names above (c) to their Furcadian owners!

april fools 2007

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