Donate some rice!

Nov 03, 2007 03:30

Donate rice AND learn interesting words!
It's actually kind of addictive. :P
And fun =)
And charitable!

So, what's the downside? Nothing, really. Other than time consuming, but what isn't? :p
There is no time limit on it, so if you're waiting for a download or something, it works!

2330 grains I donated the first day I played. >_>; I was bored. D:
I even got my mom to "play" too! We sat at the same table and laughed about some of the outrageous words we were getting!

I was also very excited when words came up that I knew! Majority is really guess work.. but it kind of sticks with you anyway after a while, so it feels like you get smarter! ;) *snickers*

...Okay, the end. :)

PS. Today marks the two month countdown until Texas. >)
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