If you haven't heard of it, then I highly suggest you invest some of your spare time into
www.brotherhood2.com These two are greatly amusing! Endless hours of fun can be had watching them!
I spent the last two days watching all 150+ of their videos. >_>;
They're about 4 minutes or less per video, so if I watched 150 4 minute videos that's 600 minutes, which is 10 hours... I spent ten hours watching these two Nerds talk to each other... I wont even ask for those hours back, because I say that it was my time well spent (notice how I said *my* time. This isn't your time, so you don't need to complain.... unless you, too, watch all the videos and decide it was not worth it. :P)
Granted, not all of them were 4 minutes, and many were only 3.. we'll just stick to 10 hours though!
Anyway! They're very interesting folk, I actually kind of learn things from them.. which is nifty.
Like... it is not possible to eat more than 12.5 peeps in one sitting! I bet you didn't know that.
Watch it. Love it. Embrace it.
Nerd Fighters for Life.
The end.