Jul 18, 2007 11:35
We have been back for a little bit (since last Sunday). We had a fabulous but long vacation. Saw loads of people and had time to do it, partly because some people were on their own vacations and we had 3.5 weeks to do things! It was a long time to be away from home. I was worried about leaving things for so long.
David was sick twice. I kind of figured he might get sick - different countries, new germs. The first time was horrible he had a rash all over, fever, and wouldn't nurse. No matter how sick he has been, he's always nursed. Any time he's ill at all, he doesn't eat at all. He spent one night just screaming, he was hungry and sick and I felt so helpless. I had people descend on me, but all he really wanted was mommy. This may not have been the sickest he's ever been, but it was definitely the most upset he's been about being sick. We ended up taking him to the walk-in NHS clinic which seemed to miraculously cure him. The dr said all the children are the healthiest patients. I decided they should just let parents of sick children come and sit in the waiting room for a few hours - seems to cure nearly everything. Anyway, as predicted by the doc he recovered in a few days. By the time we got to Paris he was mostly fine and that was the only time he slept through the night the whole time we were gone. The next illness was in London and hit us both, but then he just slept all day which was good because I needed to sleep too.
Paris was great, expensive, and full of Americans and Spainiards. Down every street was amazing public art. We spent most of the time walking around and taking pics. We were right across the Seine from the Lourve, which we did not go to. The first day it was closed, after that the line was huge (same reason we didn't go to the top of the Eiffel tower) and I decided that going there with a cranky baby was not the way to have a good time in Paris. Steve still thinks I was worrying over nothing because it would have been full of loud tourists. I have been to many museums with David and he is too young to enjoy them and too old to just sleep thru. We seemed to have loads to fill our time without it.
David and I did go to 2 museums in London. We went to the National Gallery where I went straight to the impressionists, I loved it. David did give a speech or 2, a guard did say something about him too me but it was good natured. We were going to leave but then the skies opened so we stayed in the cafe and I fed him. I met an nice Polish-Norwegian woman and her daughter. She was completely smitten with David and gave him a toy top and offered in broken English to get me water since I was nursing. Very nice!
We also popped in the British Museum one day. It was near our hotel in London and he just happened to be asleep in his stroller. I saw the mummies and a display on the Native Americans. Loads of other really, really old stuff, Greek, Assyrian, etc.
I have been suffering from David not sleeping. The time changes, being sick and new places just got him completely wacky with sleep. He keeps getting closer to normal but we are not there yet. Mommy definitely needs more sleep!