Funny how a
self-proclaimed War President claims to be able to
facilitate peace talks.
Also, try to make sense of that second article. The title reads, "U.S. cannot impose vision on Mideast, Bush says" yet the second sentence reads, "Bush said it 'is not realistic' to think that the U.S. cannot impose its vision on the Middle East." Another Orwellian contradiction, but I assume it's just another
wonderful choice of wording by CNN editors.
EDIT: Wow... just after I submitted this entry, I looked and that article has already been changed. The title is different and that contradicting passage has been removed. I just have to comment on that. The way that news articles can just change like that is the most Orwellian feature of all. Except now you don't have to recall old newspapers and reprint them to change the past - the internet makes it so much easier. At least when I make a significant change here it's clearly marked as an edit.