Title: Sona Pairing: Jongin/Taemin Word Count: ~9,000 words Rating: PG-13 Warnings: off-screen domestic abuse, [Spoiler (click to open)]character death Summary: This summer, Taemin brought Jongin to tread a path of myth, magic and dreamscapes. Bridge to Terabithia!AU Author's Note: Dear recipient, I’m sorry if it’s unlike what you wanted. I took the liberty
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This masterpiece is so well-written. I won't be able to put my feels in this comment since they're all over the place.
The beginning of the story caught me immediately, since I had already seen the abuse tag (don't get me wrong. I don't approve abusive parents, however, I am interested in seeing the victims grow strong of it) so, the way you described Jongin's thoughts made me believe his father abused him. luckily though, Jongin didn't get to deal with actual physical pain (like his sister did).
Then, about Taekai's bond. Can I just say that you did a splendid job on capturing my heart? I was so happy to read about the way they supported each other, how they stuck together, even when their peers gave them a hard time. Oh God, I love it.
THOUGH THE ENDING. YOU HAD ME THERE! The ending was so unexpected. I really didn't see that coming and it made me cry, now I'm not the type to cry easily, so I'll blame the flu for that (I'm suffering of the flu right now) my mom happened to barge into my room as I read the part of the funeral and I couldn't keep the tears in. sorry, mom, for scaring you.
Anyway, I apologise for this weird ass comment because I couldn't keep a logical build-up. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed reading your heartbreaking story. I look forward to your future work! ♡
This masterpiece is so well-written. I won't be able to put my feels in this comment since they're all over the place.
The beginning of the story caught me immediately, since I had already seen the abuse tag (don't get me wrong. I don't approve abusive parents, however, I am interested in seeing the victims grow strong of it) so, the way you described Jongin's thoughts made me believe his father abused him. luckily though, Jongin didn't get to deal with actual physical pain (like his sister did).
Then, about Taekai's bond. Can I just say that you did a splendid job on capturing my heart? I was so happy to read about the way they supported each other, how they stuck together, even when their peers gave them a hard time. Oh God, I love it.
THOUGH THE ENDING. YOU HAD ME THERE! The ending was so unexpected. I really didn't see that coming and it made me cry, now I'm not the type to cry easily, so I'll blame the flu for that (I'm suffering of the flu right now) my mom happened to barge into my room as I read the part of the funeral and I couldn't keep the tears in.
sorry, mom, for scaring you.
Anyway, I apologise for this weird ass comment because I couldn't keep a logical build-up. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoyed reading your heartbreaking story. I look forward to your future work! ♡
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