Mar 19, 2005 12:10
Just a quick update: School is driving me crazy. I'm not sure if I'm just ready for summer, but I'm extremely unmotivated this semester and want to just push everything to the side and do nothing. I still have a midterm to take because we're behind in pretty much all of my classes, so by the time we get midterms out of the way, here come finals! But it looks like I'll be done with my classes no later than May 3rd.
Summer can not come soon enough. I'm tired of everyone being sick and the weather being cold... I want my flip flops and capri pants and t-shirts and blond hair. Well, I dunno about the blond hair part. Brown's the word these days. But anyway, no summer school for me this year due to lack of financial aid, so looks like it'll be me and the R&K all summer long. Hopefully I can pick up a few babysitting jobs here and there and make some extra money.
Speaking of work, I finally got a raise after 3 years. Though it's not much to get excited about, it's still something. Kirby and I asked and we (eventually) received. Most of the girls at work tell me I should just do hair because it's so easy and you can make fast money. For one thing, I don't think I could handle doing hair all day, every day. So monotonous. Yes, the tips can be good... CAN is the key word, considering most clients still don't know to tip their hairdresser. But I can't even begin to tell them how excited I am to finish school and get out there doing my measely $35,000 a year social work job. Seriously, I can't wait. !!! I think I'm more excited about my internship (which is still undecided until spring '06) than anything else. If I can get hooked up with one at Barry Robinson or The Pines, I think that would be awesome.
It's time for me to get motivated.