Feb 12, 2007 21:55
I need lists to help me to worry less, that is what this is for and also why it is so specific and also inspecific at the same time.
New York trip- 2/16-2/24
what to bring;
clothes- some tanktops for underneath (3-5)
mostly teeshirts, to accomodate my excessive wardrobe changes(7-9)
also sweatshirts one or two.
jeans (black and blue straighlegged, butterflies, bearhearts, weathervane/ transportation pants)
pajama pant(s)-sweatpants and old navy stripies and shirt(s)- workcamp shirt, sports bra, cami, maybe another pajama shirt
bra (even though there is one I wear the most, I could bring two)- polka dots and racer back probably
undies fo' realz. (10?) all the ones that fit good
socks. (10?)
shoes (pair of flats and three year old converse)
blue hat and purple fingerless gloves and bright green scarf(?)
towels (one or two...) pink and a white one?
soap (tabac)
q tips (lots)
shaving razors( 2)
shaving cream
scrubby loofah thing
makeup removery stuff
makeup (bronzebrownlightgold, blueeyeliner, brownandsilvereyeslicks, pinkstuff, blackandbrownmascara, foundation(?))
hair wax (paul mitchell and american crew)
juice and [cup(s)?]
book (whichever I am currently reading and possibly a poetry book)
ipod and charger
school stuff to do if there is any
money and chapstick
brownies and peanut butter cookies that get baked probably on thursday night.
amsterdam bag and it's contents.