"this too, shall pass"

Dec 03, 2007 13:53

Here i go again with me myself and i.
And thats all i seem to think about.
Cant crush on anyone without getting in trouble for it because i let my feelings take over.
I let out the bad, the selfish, the "immature" side of me.
Its not that i AM that way, I just act that way.
Everyone can act that way around some one they really like, weather they are 5, 20, 30 or whatever. Well it just so happens, i am 18 years young. and i ACTED like that. and i get punished for it. I appologize deeply, i do.
No, the person i like will not always liek me back, but i didnt even get a chance.
not even a close one. Im upset over it. yeah, wouldnt you?
i would at least think so. and the only response i got out of it from my FRIENDS were. well laura, your fickel, youll be over it, laura, not everyone will like you back, yadda yadda yadda.
i guess i was just dissapointed because i liked a girl. and im not even allowed to feel the way i do. well screw that, ill feel whatever i want. and i will be ok. and ill get over it when i feel i will need to. even though i am trying really really really hard.

but its winter. and i love everyone. i do. and i apologize. and i did. and i mean it.
but its snowing and the only one i really wanted to talk to isnt around. so i just miss it. i dont regret anything i did. but.
i miss my winter. i miss my conversations. i miss my cigaretes in the snow.
i havent written in a really long time. and im decided to start again. because ive been holding it all in for so long, and i have no reason too.
i belive that i can be who i want to be, and whoever wants to accept that is okay with me. and i will accept you for you. because thats the way things work.

i have been visiting to barnes and noble for like, 4 days straight now, and im loving every minute of it. i want to read with someone, i want to share books with someone. But no one digs that kind of stuff.

god im so ready for school to be over. workingin the morning, and getting done early.
ill still have the day to drink hot chocolate. and do some nice stuff.

christmas is just around the corner and all i want to do is tel you i love you.
because i do.
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