(11:43:47) Sephiroth: <3
(11:44:07) Loz: <333
(11:44:16) Sephiroth: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
(11:44:39) Loz: wow
(11:44:43) Loz: <3s x 10
(11:45:16) Sephiroth: hahahaha
(11:45:59) Sephiroth: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
(11:46:13) Loz: <3s x 20
(11:46:56) Sephiroth: <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
(11:47:42) Loz: <3s <3s x pi
(11:48:09) Sephiroth: <3^15
(11:48:27) Loz: <3 x by the square of infinity.
(11:48:54) Sephiroth: <3^10(infinity)
(11:49:10) Loz: <3 x Loz
(11:49:55) Sephiroth: <3 x DS!!
(11:50:08) Loz: <3 x Vincent/Rufus/Cid/Cloud
(11:50:45) Sephiroth: <3 x Zack/Aeris/Seph/Cloud/Tifa!
(11:51:12) Loz: <3 x Vincent/Aki/Rufus and their brood
(11:51:33) Sephiroth: <3 x DS^children!
(11:51:54) Loz: <3 x DSZack and DSCloud x Ophelia's level of crazy
(11:53:37) Sephiroth: <3 x (DS/Zack/Cloud/Aeris) (Ophelia's crazy^GRufus/Nidara)^2
(11:55:04) Loz: <3 x (LozxRudexTifa) (YazooxReno+Rosso+Axel+Saix+Zexion) (KadajxYuffie+Riku) ^(ViktorXKairi+Seifer+Demyx)
(11:59:57) Sephiroth: <3 x {(Miriam/Viktor) (DS x Zack x Cloud x Aeris x Vincent x Rufus) (MercSeph x MZack + YThree) + (DS^children + MZack^children)}^Jenova
(12:05:31) Loz: <3 x (Axel's Hips + Truth) (VincentxRufusxDSxAkia) + (CidxTambler+tea) x (SeraphxLozxFloor+Ryoko) ^(VincentxAkia+five child/labor pains) (ZackxCloudxSephiroth+Loz+CZack+CSeph+CVin+Aeri+CCloud) x (MaruxSora+back room of tea shop) ^(DS+cookies)
(12:13:04) Sephiroth: <3 x [{(DemyxxRoxasxAxel's hips^truth) (VincentxRufusxDSxZackxCloudxAkiaxMercCloud) (Yazoo/DS+Reno) + (MaruxSoraxVin) (CSephxLLoz)} {(Naruto+Hiei+Kurama+Yuusuke+Itachi+Sasuke+Sakura+Kuwabara+Shizuru+Yukina) (Kuja's love crazy for Zexion^Kiba/Kitty)} {(Crazy threexNidaraxRufus) (GiftxDelena+Aeri)}]^<3
(12:24:41) Loz: <33 x (CloudxAeris+Zack+DS+Sorax'We made him for you'+KadajxYuffie+'out the door!') (AkiaxRufus+alcoholxVincent+Squall+Zell+Yomi +Lulu+Inuyasha+Ultimecia+Alucard+Anderson+Knives+Vash+Sazuka+Hakkai+Lime +Nancy+Seto+Ayeka+Mokuba+Clive+Grensealxgender water) x(KadajxCiel/stupidity+Riza+Jean+Cain+Martel) ^(Chaos+eating the picture box) x(LegatoxKnives/cooking naked) x(Delena/Level of Jenova-Crazy) x(RufusxVincent+Clive/guns) ^(Alen+Grenseal/swords) x(Ciel/dryad) ^(DSxDoujin pornxAkixLozxYazoo^2) +(Crazy Loz/eating people's heartsxProphet's eyes) x<33
(12:42:00) Sephiroth: (<3^<3)* [{(DS*Cloud*Zack*Aeris*Vincent*Rufus*Aki*MercCloud^bondage) (DS*Aki^cosplay) (Sora*Maru*Vin*MateriaZack^Oh shiny) (Hiei protecting Naruto*Kurama telling) (RSeph*Twins*Loz^lack of belief in condoms) (CCloud*Mian+CZack*Kesha+CSeph*LLoz) (Nidara*Rufus*Triplets*Torture^mindgames) (BYPSeph*Aeris+GCloud*Strife*Zack+Valentine*Twins) (MercSeph*Water oops+year of Zack spawn) (Squall^accidental baby+doujin crack) (Knives*Legato*Chaos+Vincent*DS^incest)} ^{Aki child Zack*Aki Child Cloud*Breeding}]^<3<3
(12:43:36) Loz: <3 * me
(12:44:03) Sephiroth: <3^me
(12:44:25) Loz: <3 * me*you*our crackuniverses
(12:45:08) Sephiroth: <3*me*you*Zack^all our universes
(12:46:14) Loz: <3 *us*your base/belong to me
(12:47:07) Sephiroth: <3^us*creativity*all
(12:47:24) Loz: <3*me*cheetos*your face*porn
(12:48:11) Sephiroth: <3*us*porn*kink*fluff*love*universes*AUs*Crossovers*Shiny^cowriting
(12:48:57) Loz: <3*us*evil fan*tentacles-child support
(12:49:27) Sephiroth: <3^authors*artists*canonrape
(12:51:47) Loz: <3*mhmm, canon.
(12:52:20) Sephiroth: <3*canonxcanonrape OTP*fandom
(12:55:28) Loz: <3*yuffie*kadaj*baby jesus's tears
(12:55:50) Sephiroth: <3*everything
(12:57:52) Loz: <3*you
(12:58:31) Sephiroth: <3*me*my people
(12:58:51) Loz: whoo*<3
(12:59:19) Sephiroth: <3*<3*<3*everything*infinity*all
(12:59:27) Loz: <3*pi
(12:59:33) Sephiroth: fail!!!
(12:59:37) Sephiroth: that doesn't top
(12:59:41) Loz: it does too.
(12:59:44) Loz: pi rocks <33
(12:59:50) Loz: delicious~
(12:59:53) Loz: DELICIOUS PI
(12:59:57) Sephiroth: well yes, but it's a smaller value than everything!!
(13:00:04) Loz: is not.
(13:00:06) Loz: Pi is eternal.
(13:00:16) Sephiroth: after the decimal, not before~