Thank you everyone whose been sending me stuff ::gets Envelopes::
I got the Fruit's Basket Disc for first ::waves to that person as I think it's
seki_raku but I can't remember just now::
And to
kracken for the picture card thingy
and to
nezure for the chocolate
and Jubes-who-has-way-too-many-lj-names for the cute Witchy card
bagelbunion for her card
::goes to check her wall::
dragontrap with her card
If I missed you sending/linking me something, poke me on AIM, I'm usually on there, the name is in my profile and I'm pretty sure it's unhidden.
I don't want to make anyone feel unappreciated because I didn't say thank you, or I didn't notice somehow.
Just poke me guys, please. And if I didn't miss anyone. Well.
Merry Solstice folks.