When did you first discover Fullmetal Alchemist?
March of 2004. I promptly read all the manga and got confused on Anime spoilers.
Are you happy you discovered FMA?
For the most part
Do you consider yourself a fan?
Only in the sense that I like it and write for it and draw for it and role play it and have books about it and a keychain and a pocketwatch.
Do you recommend the series to other people?
Sub or dub?
Both! Different stories you know.
What do you think of the movie? The OVAs?
Haven't seen them
What about the manga? Do you read it?
Yep! Lots
Which episode is the best?
The one with Clara
Which episode is the worst?
It's 40 something. You know, plot hole of doom, Scar carrying Kimbley about by his teeth...
Did you cry at any point in the series/movie/OVA/manga?
No. I yelled at the TV once though.
The best opening/ending song?
I like the one with the Devil's Nest crew.
Who’s your most favorite character?
Who’s your least favorite character?
Um... Lyra
Which character do you think is the most misunderstood?
Which character is the most under-rated?
Which character has the worst past?
Slicer Brothers
Is Ed actually short?
Mei is shorter
So... do the Homunculi have souls or not?
I'm going to go with 'distinct animating force'
Do you like Dante?
She whines...
Do you hate Winry?
Nah, she can grow
What about Rose?
She needs therapy
Would you go on a date with Havoc?
Do you consider Scar a hero or a villain?
I think he's a living martyr, if that makes sense
What was your first impression of Armstrong?
He's shiny.
Who’s more disturbed: Envy or Kimbley?
Did you like Hughes better after he died?
Fucking no-spoilers for the ghost thing... grrr
What about Greed?
I think he's cute, death was in the way.
Did you like Pride better before you found out he was a Homunculus?
I like his fire smiley
If you were Roy, would you have killed Winry’s parents under orders?
I wouldn't join military if avoidable, but yes.
Was Hohenheim justified in leaving Envy after he created him, or was Dante the better parent?
Hohenheim wasn't justified and Dante's a user
Why does Al wear a loincloth?
Because it came on the armor and he decided to keep it for humanity's sake.
Why does Envy wear a loincloth?
It's a skort
Did you think Envy was a girl the first time you saw him?
nuh uh
Who’s the best side character?
Who’s the most annoying side character?
Which characters, if any, do you think are overrated?
Who’s a better Greed: the original, or Ling?
I like the original, but the Ling is cute
Do you forgive Tucker for what he did to Nina?
I didn't blame him for it, fucked up man.
Do you forgive Scar?
Yes, I forgive him for killing Barry in the anime
Who’s prettier: Lust or Riza?
Is Gluttony ugly?
What’s Dante’s sexual preference?
Necrophiliacs and young girls
Which character is the best looking?
Which character is the worst looking?
If you could see one character naked, who would you choose?
What’s your favorite pairing(s)?
You're gonna regret this...
Envy/Roy, Roy/Winry, Envy/Al, Dor/Martel, Riza/Sheizska, Roy/Gracia, Kimbley/Maes, Kimbley/Roy, Al/Kimbley, Envy/Sloth (anime), Ed/Wrath (either version), Scar/Mei, Ling/Roy, Riza/Ed, Alex/Havoc, Fury/Havoc, Roy/Havoc, Alex/Pinako, Pinako/Hohenheim, Hohenheim/Ed, Al/Ed, Ed/Fletcher, Scheizska/Maes, Maes/Roy, Maes/Kimbley, Envy/Kimbley, Greed/Martel, Greed/Kimebly, Archer/Kimbley, Greed/Al, Greed/Ed, Havoc/Greed, Greed/Riza, Riza/Winry, Al/Paninya, Winry/Paninya, Bradley/Roy, Roy/Clara, Barry/Riza, Barry/Farman, Tucker/Roy... etc...
What’s your least favorite pairing(s)?
RussellxEd (oh hey, a keeper!)
What pairing makes the least amount of sense?
uhh... none of the above.
Which is better: FMA yaoi, or FMA yuri?
Yaoi, because the Yuri doesn't seem to mesh well in the writing process for most people
Do you read/write FMA fanfiction?
Do you look at/draw FMA fanart?
What do you think of FMA Mary Sues?
A sue is, by my definition, a non-canon character who is better/prettier/awsomer/more angsty/more talented/more charming/more witty than any other character in the plot. They suck.
Oh yeah... I have one of those...
Office sex?
Please do
Do you think people write Envy OOC most of the time?
Lalala I have my autodeflect on for badfic
Which is more canon (in the anime): Elricest or EdWin?
Elricest, what with Al being all 'when I have a body again, will you touch me brother?'
Which is more canon (in the anime): Royai or RoyxHughes?
I can see either
Would Dante ever open up to anyone?
In the technical sense, she opened up to Ed at the end of the series, you know, rotties.
Is Envy gay, or would he go with a woman as well?
Envy can't be gay, he can have any parts he wants
Does Ed really have a crush on Roy?
Hmmm yes
Does Roy return the feelings?
I think I'll go with paternal there
What is the most plausible (non-canon) het pairing?
The most plausible yaoi pairing?
The most plausible yuri pairing?
Can Envy make m-preg work?
If he's horribly unfortunate
Is HughesxGracia cute?
Who’s your favorite fanfiction author?
She doesn't write FMA
Do you read doujinshi? If so, recommend a good one!
Yes! And it's not an FMA one
Which is better: non-con or romance?
I write both... and read both, sometimes together!
Who is the best character to use in pairings?
I think I have a Roy default somewhere
And the worst?
I can't think of any
Do you get mad at people who don’t like the same pairings you do?
um... I like just about every pairing so that would be rather difficult. I just have presentation issues.