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Paid Account Edition
Forgottenlover User Number: 193214
Date Created:2001-06-19
Number of Posts: 444
Known by many names, Forgottenlover is a social creature that tries very hard to please, though is known to be a bit callous in her methods. Make no mistake by her name though, for she is feircely protective once she gets attached.
Strengths: Easily pleased, she tends to be happy with most any attention.
Weaknesses: Unfortunately, the Forgottenlover tends to get incredibly paranoid and worried that she might have upset others when they don't talk to her.
Special Skills: She has a knack for coming up with highly original or disturbing pairings and storylines.
Weapons: The use of her more pointy than is normal teeth, and the uncanny fascination for sharp pointy things should be watched for, as she tends to carry throwing knives on her person.
Habitat: Often found on the internet at the oddest hours of the day, she can be found also in the company of her loved ones. Not a solitary creature by nature, it is a strange occurence to find her without at least one other person she's speaking to.
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