Dec 17, 2005 21:33
well today was shit....i was awayenk at 6 this morning by my darling sister...yay! then she got ready and went up town...i went jogging.
Once i got home i had a shower then breakfast. then i fellt soooo ill :'( i cept couthing and it reallly hurt.
Then i tryed to do my hair the way i wunted it for the dinner dance but NAW as it is me and everthing just has to suck it woulednt go right, so scarp that hair will b straight. then i spent houers tiding the room and sitting thinking about "meh" stuff like how i prob wont c mark this weekend >.<.
I deised it wouled b a gd idear to go make tea, but as i got to the bottom of the stairs and was about to go on the outher stairs my dad came storming up and so did my mum and they where havving a fight and then it was all " megan why r u just standing hear!" " dont drag her into this" "why not she is just being a big stupid usless lump" " naw u r!" ( not excasct words u get the pic) so i diseded to go back upstairs. then fee got home and we wached a balck and white film by shaw.
after alll that lovlness i begain feeling pretty ill and dizzy. so dad draged me out shoping ...omg i have never been so frustrated in my life grrr! i hate it when shops r so busy u need to walk like this ~~~~~~~~ intesd of ----- so u dont bumpo into 3 trillan small people. got shoues they r sivler for dinner dance end of story. got hom had a shit dinnner went to bed fell asleep got moned at for not being happy in frounght of gran then i had to put one sister to bed waight up for anouther and talk to gran -_- oh the foooking joy.
love megg x