Narsistic Drama Queens..

Oct 01, 2005 19:30

ok, so a hell of alot of things have been happning and to b quite honest i cant really post them all.

if people trusted there friedns more and didnt feel the need to talk about them behind there back none of anthing wouled be as bad. not to say that it is entrialrly one persons fault but 90% there is a thing called a white lie. since whene do we all come out and say the truth to our perents?

what a world- friedns r lied to and perents are told the truth. if people had said what was whoung in the first place then maby they woulednt have been so upset about it, and woulednt feel the need to bitch about it say..on the phone.
anyhoo some people shouled learn to keep there mouths closed, outhers to sat out of stuff that has nothing to do with them. also eople shouled stop being narsistic drama queens
when people start to get involved that shoulednt all that happedns is unessery strss and upset and we have oone person to that for that, and pne preson to comfort as a reault.
this has all gon way to far, somone crossed a line and i hope that for ever step they take the feel burning gilt.
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