Jun 21, 2006 13:51
ok, right now i am in school on a school computer and so i cant achally look at anyone elses entryes buut for some reson it is letting me whjite one of my own :P stupid fire wall...anyhooo i am back to school after the exsams with the impreshion that we really woulednt be doing alot in the ways of work however i have already compleated a presentashion in avd higher bio about mitosis and an essay on cells ( which i did crappy ibn :P) and am currently haveing to read most of gogre orwells works in order to diside on a disortashon topic and also i have er....4 books ( two novles one play) to read ofver the summer as well as a pass papery thinggyb to do for monday and my teacher also wunts me to white one or some imagnitive whiting picses. alongshide this work i also have some things which i am doing to benifit the school, i am aranguing the gides for the new first year whuich is more work that it sounds and i am also to make up a booklet comtaning information that the new first years may find usfull like NIO YOU DO NOT INFACT GET YOUR HEAD FLUSHED DOWN THE TOLIT AND YOU ARE NOT EXPECTED TO START YOUR HIGHERS IN FIRST YEAR >.< well haveuing listed all my bussiniess i better use the remander of this time tyo get on with it lol.
love to you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxx