Nov 06, 2004 12:57
its been a while......i think i need to stop skipping and get my act together....iam passing but bearly and my sisters say its ok but blamming other people is not what i do they tell me that the problem wil fix it self and i say no it wont if its gonna be anything that fixes my problem of my education is gonna have to be me....anyways im reading a good book calle Enders game its about this kid that is supposledy the savior of an alien attack...its a good book i rather read than do anything in band..i have been having this dream that i die at school someone shots one of my friends and i get in the way of the bullet i honteslty dont no what it means...i think i just need a long vacation a way from everthing and also making a movie its gonna be fun but soem people are trying to take over it and its pissing me off..and therss going to be a casting probelm...but all in all i guess im ok