May 04, 2004 20:41
well today has been..eventful.. this morning i actually got to drive myslef to school but noone wanted to tell me before 7 30.. school starts at 7 45 for everyone who DOESN"T know.. and then i was like ehh fuck it im parking in the lot and i got a ticket=) yipppee.. haha.. and at lunch we piled like a million and one people in my tiny ass little honda headed to McDonalds. inhaled it. and ran to class.. i saw my crush today and he gave me a hug because "whenever he sees me i look tired and pissed off" uhh thanks for the compliment... haha boys... then tonight me and tony got in a fight.. imagine that.. and then Sean and i got into it and i informed him that he isn't good enough for angela.. okay im sorry but the truth hurts. he is a peice of shit and im so sorry i "hooked them up" yeah he is a SHIT HEAD.. i mean come on the kid has a tracker for stealing from JcPenny.. umm he's cool?? then tony informed me i am a heartless bitch.. haha maybe but what can ya do? oh well then he said he loved that i am not afraid to say what i think.. ohh hell no i am definetely not.. haha yeahhhhh im gonna go to target with my momma! love ya'll