Nov 11, 2010 13:58
I'm thoroughly parched. I don't know how exactly that this matters to you but I thought I'd share.
I've got japanese to work on and I'm not.... I've got chores to do and I'm not... I've got people to see that I'm not...
I've even got NaNoWriMo to be updating and I'm... well I am...
But here I am, parched and so busy I should be working on everything else, posting a blog for all my (2) viewers. Lucky you!
I do have a point today, not just ramblings about the things I need to do, but it's taking me a minute to get there.
My point today is.... *drum roll*
How do you prioritize your internet time?
In life, there are a few things that come before others. Obviously, you work to keep food on the table, no matter where that may be. You may have religion in your life that comes first. Family, pets, cars, significant other... the list goes on and on.
So what I want to know is: Where in your priorities does email/forums/social networks fall? Do you HAVE to get on every couple of hours and check? Do you only get on when you're bored? Is once a day enough or once a week?
I personally do nearly everything online. I do know how to get off the computer and have a life. I have one. But when I'm at home, or working on a play, or writing a book, or looking for something interesting to watch, or doing stuff for my church, or making the graphics and signatures, I'm always on my computer. Unhealthy? Probably so but if you make time to do the other important things in life such as cleaning house and doing laundry and working out or going for a run, it probably isn't that bad. It isn't like I sit here 24 hours a day and do nothing else.I just spend a lot of time on my computer. I'll admit it.
So just leave me a comment or something, telling me where your internet/computer is in priority. Mine is #5.
Until next time,
"Tell me, princess, when did you last let your heart decide?"