Wow, It's 4:13am. I'm still up. yep.
Well, life has been pretty normal. I'm playing Ragnarok alot now, Got it back a week ago today. Been slacking off in my leveling though.
Real Life has been weird, Tonite i talked to my mom about christmas stuff. It's once again going to be weird. -another family member.
So many little things really bug me.
The whole gift-thing with christmas REALLY pisses me off and stresses me and everyone else out. My grandma is a x-mas bitch. Majorly.
My mom told me tonite about the convo they had, she was thinking about buying me a digital camera and giving everyone else(my cousins) money. My mom told her to stop doing what she does every year, whitch is...
She starts off with a "I'll spend xxx$ on everyone." then it turns into "Well he wants this so ill spend xx-xxx more..." Last year it was majorly angering. She spent like 200$ on me, 150$ on my younger cousin, 480$ on my other cousin. The gifts are damm obious whitch is more. Gee, television vs cheap mp3 player? HMMMMMMM...
Anyway, around christmas shes a major bitch. Snapping at everyone, lieing(when not neccisary) etc. etc.
Im sorry for writing about all this, its just venting xD;
I need to update more... But I dont feel like writing alot now-a-days, lifes weird.
I need to loose more weight, do more schoolwork, make money, think about getting a job (as im turning 16 in... 1 month and 11 days) think about my drivers licence. Its kinda stressing. Im not complaining, lots of people have it worse.
I need to go have a shower then go to bed...
My mom has been turning off my TV every night/middle of the night/morning, it really pisses me off. its ALWAYS to loud. I dont like having it off, when its off i dream alot more. >_>
I need a new book to read, ive read everything i got. I re-read Sabriel, it was once again, awsome. I should re-read the circle of magic books, but if i do ill be reading them for a week. (There is currently 8 books) Well...
Goodnight everyone. Leave a comment if you dont mind ^___^;
P.S. I have been playing in photobucket. Wanna see some examples? Not that anyone cares... xD;;
Yep. Mostly Ragnarok Sig/banners.
The first... 3 are tests of the new add-on for photoshop i got o_O they look ok. the second one i really like for its simplicity.