Oct 15, 2004 20:10
I'm tired. I really don't know why. It's probably because I've been sitting here for like hours. I was pretty depressed earlier today, but I'm not sure what's happened...
It's cold outside, and rainy... I wish it'd stop... But eh, it's not really under my control.
I cleaned my room today, and it's the cleanest it's been in like a month. I'm proud of myself... I guess? It only really shows how bored I was though...
I think a lot of people have left because it's quiet outside (good!) since we have that study break... It doesn't make sense that they don't have most of the cafeterias open til Tuesday since it's a STUDY BREAK and people are supposed to be studying... The school sucks... so damn much.
My head hurts... I was so happy earlier b/c I got out of work two hours early and will probably be paid the full 9 hours... I hope they get the whole pay check thing processed soon because I want money! =P Plus I don't have to show up 'til 10 am next Monday... So this job pretty much kicks ass...
As for everything else, I really need to start studying... after I go to sleep. I need to email Professor Smuts how much coding I've done... Ewwww... *sobs*