Why I have been gone...

Sep 18, 2010 22:50

Hey everyone,

I am sure a lot of you wonder why I been busy, idle, mobile, or not posting much. Well to be honest, I just been way too busy. I just got my career started in the field I worked so hard to achieve. It is taking most of my time and efforts to become the best in my role as I can. Like all of you, I have big dreams; mine are just a little more difficult to achieve. In order to reach for my dreams, I had to work very hard. It required a lot of time, patience, hard-work, and a wee bit of magic.

And all my hard work paid off. I now have the best job in the world, doing something that makes me and millions of people happy every year. Something my teacher told me reflects upon all my hard work and I think back to his very inspirational words:

"If you find a career you love to do, you will never work a day in your life."

Thank you to all that have supported me throughout my in-devours and who have been by my side through thick and thin. I could not have reached this point without you guys. But I want you to know this: Even if I am not around to chat, hang out, socialize with, or party; You all are still in my heart and I appreciate all of your support.

Thank you all.

new career

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