Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu one-shot: Slash warning

Aug 21, 2008 19:26

This one was totally random without much of a push for a request... Written a few months ago again but this was before I actually saw Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu...

Don't like slash? Well tough.

Title: Study Hall
Rating: Nothing bad! ... Though there's studying. ... Yes, studying, believe it or not. Some language cause I have a bad swearing vocab.
Pairing: Itsuki/Kyon
Disclaimer: I own nothing of Suzumiya Haruhi Yuuutsu

He didn't know how it happened nor did he initiate it.

It was simple.

Apparently harmless.

But so fucking annoying!

Kyon took another glance around the surrounding library aisles from his table, his Modern English book, propped up by a stack of books behind it, proving to be an all but worthy shield as his eyes checked for any spies... or Haruhi.

All clear.

He sighed and let his shoulders drop from the tension then a small chuckle from his right caused him to turn his head slightly and glare at the person beside him. Itsuki, with that damned smile--was he smirking?!--didn't even look up from the book they were sharing, a hand cradling his chin as he read over the text.

Koizumi said that he forgot his book in his locker and he had to make the best of this time for studying.

...Somehow Kyon didn't believe that completely.

From afar, it would have looked like two ordinary high school friends sitting in the near back of the library, studying for their upcoming exams with books piled high enough to hide their notes. Kyon refused to sit in the windowless back of the library where they would be by themselves... alone... with no one watching them.

Like hell he trusted Koizumi that much.--

...Though the one time he made that mistake, the ESPer decided it was an opportune moment to deem the library an appropriate place to crush the boy against the wall and give him a hands-on lesson about the elaborate game of tonsil hockey. In public!

He didn't even ask for the so-called lesson! ...

Well, that wouldn't happen again!--

Up close though, much to Kyon's annoyance, the two were secretly holding hands on the table behind the books. It was harmless, it wasn't like Koizumi was going to tackle him off of the chair and--

No. He was not going to let his imagination tread into that dangerous territory.



Kyon growled under his breath and tried pulling his hand away as subtly as he could, though Itsuki would have nothing of it as he tightened his grip gently enough to stop the other from unlocking their hands. Stealing another quick glance around them, Kyon tried to unlatch their interlocked fingers with the help of his other hand.

This couldn't be -that- difficult!

"Are you done, Kyon-kun?"

"What?!" He threw the ESPer a slightly panicked look then looked at their clasped hands.. his were covering Itsuki's and he quickly tried to draw them back, only able to retrieve one of them.

"Are you done with this page? You've been reading the same paragraph for the last few minutes..." Itsuki finally looked up from the book, making no move to flip the page.

"...." Kyon looked back to the page.. he hadn't finished reading it. "... You know what, I think I'm gonna go."

"But we still have an hour left and a few more chapters to review, Kyon-kun. Surely you won't get much studying done in the club room when Suzumiya-san arrives." That bastard Koizumi sounded a little too smug in his tone...Or maybe it was just his imagination "It's quiet here, barely anyone around, no interruptions..."

Okay, maybe it wasn't his imagination.

"No, I should." Another tug to free his hand.

"I really recommend you stay here and finish this chapter at least, Kyon-kun." Denied.

".... Fine, whatever." Not liking the fact that Koizumi looked more happy than he should have been, Kyon gave up and continued studying, his hand still interlocked with the other's.

The two sat in silence again, going over the lessons in the textbook, hands were still held... Whether Kyon wanted to admit it or not, Koizumi did nothing more than study and hold hands.. and Kyon was actually able to study in peace. Maybe he wouldn't have to stay up until all hours of the night to study for his history test if he could remember the English phrases for--Was the hell was that?

It felt like-Holyfucksomethingwaslickinghim.

Jerking away, Kyon nearly tipped out of his chair if Itsuki wasn't still grasping his hand. "W-What the hell, Koizumi!?"

"Just wanted to get your attention, Kyon-kun." That sneaky little bastard was grinning at him like he had not just licked the side of his face!

"Why didn't you just say something?!"

"This way was more fun." Tugging the other over to him again, Itsuki smirked slightly as he kept his other hand on the other's elbow. "Besides, Kyon-kun... I think you like this."

"L-like what?" Oh this was bad. Kyon pulled back his arm a bit.


Like? Like what?! Koizumi?!! No. No fucking way. No way in hell--well maybe just a little-NO!

Eyes darting around nervously for any fellow students, Kyon was ready to make his escape.

Itsuki was way too close to comfort, a smirk definitely crossing his features. "Studying, of course, Kyon-kun. What did you think I meant?"

"N-nothing!" Finally released from the ESPer's grasp, Kyon watched the other tensely as Itsuki got up from his seat and gathered up his books. Godamn him!

"It was nice studying with you, Kyon-kun. I'll remember to bring my textbook next time." Grinning again, Itsuki left the table and Kyon alone.

...Wait, Koizumi said there would be a next time. As if he'd study with him next time, no where was sacred anymore to get any studying done and--Koizumi's arm?

Itsuki leaned forward from behind Kyon's chair and grabbed one of the books he was going to sign out for the week. "Forgot something.."

Grinning and giving a small wave, Itsuki backed off.. but not until--

"ARGH!" Kyon slapped a hand over his ear and jerked away again as the little bastard managed to not so subtly nip his ear on the way by.

"See you in the club room, Kyon-kun~"

Koizumi Itsuki, undercover ESPer, had managed to undo any studying done within the last few hours in merely a few minutes.

Beat that, Haruhi.

slash, kyon, melancholy of haruhi suzumiya, itsuki, suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu, koizumi

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