30 day challenge-Day 23

Nov 24, 2014 00:01

“Brain Child” is the term we use to describe new clones with a person’s memories transferred into them,” he explained. “Then what am I?” Kalika asked. She was lost and confused. The fact that her mother was dead and she didn’t live at home anymore was even more disconcerting. “You’re more than just memories, my dear. You’re one of a kind. You don’t just have Kalika’s memories, you have her organs. You’ve been modified so you won’t behave as badly as she did or defy your father, but as far as everyone around you is concerned, you are her. In addition, you’re the very first doll we’ve made that’s so advanced. You can be anyone and anything we want or need you to be. If you have to hide, you can shape-shift as well. You’re the closest we’ve come to bringing back the dead. Your father didn’t get to be in your life and now you have the rest of your lives to do so. We wanted to transfer your brain completely, but they wanted to repress and modify certain portions of it,” the man explained.

“Oh, god…” the last thing Kalika remembered was arguing with her grandmere and everything went black. She wasn’t in hell and this was much, much worse. Instead of waiting for Marcus and being with Aban and her grandpere, she was a freak. She wasn’t even an experiment in the same way Lex, Morgan and the others were. She hadn’t been brought back from the dead, she’d been experimented on. They had given her a lobotomy, removed her organs and re-programmed as much of her as they could have and put her in a body that wasn’t even truly alive. The fact that her mother was dead and she didn’t know where he dad was made things even worse. She had always befriended the robots when she was little and now she was one of them. She wanted to be a hybrid, not an experiment who wasn’t even person. If she was an experiment, it meant that her soul was gone. It had to be, because she felt extremely strange. Her mother being gone didn’t make her spring to action the way it should have. She was going to insist that she see her dad, but something felt…off. It was almost like she wasn’t actually there. It was a nightmare and when she woke up, she’d ask what the hell it meant. She wasn’t dead, she had been in a coma. The painkillers made her think strange things, not what a crazy man whose name she didn’t even know said.

“Leave her alone. She’s scared,” a voice said. “Adam?” Kalika asked. She was grateful and needed to understand what happened. “Hey. Are you okay? I told them to get dad, but they didn’t get why,” he said as he hugged her. “Why? Because he’s our dad! Mom is dead and no one’s telling me anything!” she said angrily.

“You’re new and you need to adjust before we can. If you become unstable, you’ll die,” Adam said. “So? I did die and this…this is insane. How could you guys let them do this to me?” she demanded. “You died. You were murdered and there wasn’t anything I could do about it,” Adam said as he looked down. “This is your solution? I could have been with grandpere, grandpere Jean and everyone else! I’m not even me and they gave me a lobotomy,” she said as she covered her mouth.

“They didn’t give you a lobotomy because I wouldn’t let them. You act like I had any say in this. I wanted you to be like me, but your father wanted you to be his daughter, not me. If mom hadn’t given you away, he would have had time with her,” Adam said.

“No, she wouldn’t! It wasn’t even really her idea and she had no choice. Mommy and daddy were the best parents in the world and I told you I didn’t want to live with mom and dad. Where’s Gabriel?” Kalika demanded. She needed her cousin and aside from daddy, he was the only adult male she looked up to. He had raised her for all practical purposes and she knew he’d save the world; she was just going to keep it warm.

“He’s in the capital. Look, it worked, okay? It’s Helena’s now, grandmother and grandfather have to work with her and dad is just the general. Tristan, Laia and Mordachi live in the castle and so does that girl. I guess Bertram could, but he and Helena had a huge fight. You live with your father now, not me and dad,” Adam said.

“NO! They took mommy and daddy away from me. Mom is dead and I’m sure Bertram picked grandmere. I don’t know him, I know you and dad. Why can’t I go live with grandma? I’m just like her and she and Gabriel raised me,” Kalika said. It was impossible not to cry and she just wanted to go home. Even her grandfather and grandmother would be an improvement.

“I know and he hates them. So does dad-You were different when you came home. He knows why you were hiding, but he didn’t like your logic and reasoning. He gets why you both are different now, but what’s he supposed to do? He’s not your father,” Adam said. “So? Daddy isn’t my father, but we’re still related,” Kalika said. She wanted a world that was warm and familiar to her, not the cold reality she was apparently trapped in.

“Please, calm down. Do you want to play video games or watch a movie?” Adam asked. Kalika nodded mutely and leaned against him. She had never really seen him as her brother, but in this instant, she needed him. Tristan thought she was dead and no would let her see him either way. She needed grandmere to think she was dead for now, but she wanted Gabriel and her grandma to know she was alive. She wanted to see Lara, even if she might not be able to see Avara. Her head was spinning and the world didn’t look the way it used to. It probably never would and she didn’t want to deal with it. She was 13, she wanted her boyfriends, fries with wasabi sauce, duck blood soup and a crappy movie with her sister, brothers, cousin and best friends.
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