Nov 06, 2014 16:35
Axandra had always felt privileged. She was a woman, but men listened to her. She had been allowed to learn and observe her father and the others in court and made sure to learn from anyone and everyone in court. Asking questions and wanting wisdom from her elders wasn’t inappropriate and she prided herself on using feminine wiles to her advantage. She worked with the people,but didn’t lower herself or behave improperly. She was young when she moved with her brother and sought the king’s counsel as often as she could. Bailyana was a naive girl who was only a year or two behind her. Axandra was compelled to show her how to make herself seen without coming off as a bad wife and queen. Being kind and gentle was a good thing, but weakness and refusing to change wasn’t. It was something Aryan and his wife had in common, but Bailyana was malleable.
When Axandra headed towards the castle, she was irate. Her brother had no logical reason for giving her away to a peasant, no one felt that Tavi was good enough and he had no idea how to behave. The mere thought of touching him made her vomit. He was handsome,but he was also an ordinary soldier. Axandra had spent far too long molding herself, getting ahead and putting herself in a strategic political position to have it ruined by an idiot. The fact that emperors,khans and kings had asked for her hand made Axandra twice as bitter. When she came across her brother with a strange woman, she was taken aback.
“Who’s your new friend? I don’t recall seeing her at court,” Axandra remarked. “She’s going to be Bailyana’s new handmaiden. At least,for now-We may find a more suitable position in the future,” Aryan said. “Is that so? No wonder you married me off to an illiterate, unhygienic idiot instead of a khan or an emperor. You share a fondness for servants and slaves that I don’t,” Axandra said angrily. She was disgusted and even if the girl was beautiful, her brother could have chosen a more suitable mistress.
“I’m going to go. This place is large and I’d rather not pass on whatever germs the princess thinks will make her turn into a commoner,” Avara remarked dryly “Excuse me? Slap her-I wasn’t even speaking to her. If you wanted a mistress, I know several who would be delighted to take the position up. Bette yet,she can take that crude idiot with her. He has no sense and she has no manners,” Axandra said angrily.
“Forgive her. This is a volatile matter and I’ll come by to see you tomorrow,” Aryan said. “Take your time,” Avara said before she left. Once they were alone, Axandra glared. “Do you even know what he’s up to? How much he’s going to cost us? He said the stupidest things and I’ll have no change him completely to keep us from losing power. No one in court likes him, your wife is too polite to tell you she thinks he’s far beneath me and even the king agrees. I’m tired of everyone pitying me. Even he wonders why-I could tell by the look on his face,” Axandra said as she crossed her arms.
“We’re in their kingdom. I don’t know them, my wife is even younger than you are and I need someone I can trust. He may have a humble background, but Tavi is loyal and a true friend,” Aryan said with a sigh. “His title was a generous reward and so was his land. Why would you let him think he could court me? Was an alliance with powerful nearby kingdoms not enough? He said that he only cares what you think and if no one in court likes him, it doesn’t matter. He came into the house smelling, he has no manners or breeding and if he puts his foot in his mouth, all the hard work Bailyana and I have done will unravel, just like that. Ugh…he’ll probably marry my children off to the woman who bathes me and the man who announces visitors,” Axandra muttered.
“Now you’re being ridiculous. No one would allow that and he has that much sense in his head. He was in love with you and I wanted someone I trusted who would truly appreciate you. An alliance with a Khan or emperor would have been advantageous, but I’m young, my father-in-law is ailing and I don’t know what to do. If one of them abused you, I don’t know what I would do. I’ll speak to him, but he’s a general,” Aryan said.
“So what? He can’t bathe and dress nicely? You don’t need to speak to him, you need a fleet of tutors to make him good enough. I’d rather be mistreated by a king than forced to share a bed with a filthy soldier who got lucky,” Axandra said, a disgusted look on her face. She had plied Tavi with liquor and made sure that their marriage never got consummated. He’d never make Aryan angry by forcing Axandra to have sex with him against her will.
“What do you want me to do? It’s too late,” Aryan said, an exasperated look on his face. “No, it’s not. We never consummated our marriage and I want my equal. I’ll gladly obey a prince, king, khan or emperor because I’d respect them. Make that servant marry him,” Axandra said angrily. She was questioning her brother’s decisions lately and a servant was a servant. “Leave her out of this. I’m shocked,but I suppose if you’re still a virgin, I can have things annulled,” Aryan said.
“Thank you. I beg of you…don’t make decisions that are going to cost your family. Bailyana is extremely naive, she’s even more stubborn than you are and she’ll cry if her life gets altered. I can only protect her by so much,” Axandra said as she shook her head. “She’s not like we are and she’s been pampered and sheltered. Her father is dying and unlike us, she wasn’t forced to accept it. Whatever you’re doing is more than enough,” Aryan said gratefully. He loved his sister and appreciated all she did,he had simply hoped that someone who respected her and accepted Axandra the way she was would be an ideal match.