
Jul 08, 2005 22:54

Was good! kinda sucked. But what else is new?

But Miyazaki Okkasan (my second host family, I am now on number four) picked me up today and now I`m at her house! We went out for much (praise MacDonalds), got Purukura (picture stickers), visted realitibes (and kittys!), and got sushi from the mini stop! YEAH!

Tomorrow is the festival, I can`t wait to wear my Yukata. I`ll try and get some pics up. I might even get another Yukata *dances*.

OH! And I am so calling home tonight. Need to call my best friends mum, friend is in London O_o She`s ok, but I still wanna talk to her mum. Then I need to call MY mum, and my (other) bestfriend. *happy*
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