Oct 09, 2016 23:10
This was my first time performing at honk fest. I skipped most of Friday, except for tune share, which was a little disappointing, but was a good test run for my new method of carring my instrument.
Saturday's weather was great. We had a "open rehersal" where we taught anyone who wanted songs while the audience watched. It felt weird to be "performing" our teaching, espeically since it was different than a SoH practice. Our set, though, in the evening, was one of the best we've ever done. At the after party, they rehersed a song for the "saxophone choir" to perform the next day. It felt so amazing to have a group of near strangers come together and practice something for an hour and have it performed the next day and it sounded GREAT, at least on the inside.
Sunday was super rainy. They told the woodwinds to not try to parade with our instruments. So with the magic that is School of Honk, they handed me a trombone and said, "here, parade with this." Now I've blown a trombone for about an half hour before and not much else. So here I was parading down the street learning as I went. By the end I had a collection of notes I could get confidently. I was completely soaked, however. I went to staples, bought some plastic bags and elastic bands and handed them out to any woodwind player I met.
By the end of the day I was soaked, cold and tired, but it was still totally worth it.
Now to decide if I'm going to RI tomorrow for one more day of Honking!