Mar 08, 2005 19:31
10 bands I've been listening to lately
01: marilyn manson
02: cky
03: HIM
04: poison the well
05: mudvayne (i just realized that i have both of their cd, heh)
06: weezer
07: underoath
08: billy idol
09: as i lay dying
10: this one alexisonfire song
09 things I look forward to
01: the new a7x cd
02: the new posion the well cd
03: the end of 9th grade
04: the science club field trip ha
05: badmitten being over, even tho it didn`t start yet.
06: summer
07: seeings my sisters/matt/willie
08: erf
09: i dunno
08 things I like to wear
01: comfy pants
02: comfy shoes
03: my necklaces
04: nail polish
05: eyeliner
06: cool socks
07: um
08: clothes
07 Things that annoy me
01: people that don`t know when to shut up
02: people that keep bugging you
03: people that are stupid beyond belief
04: people that act stupid
05: people that copy people
06: my town
07: people that don`t stop when someone asks them to stop
06 Things I love
01: music
02: my bass
03: a couple of people
04: my sisters/willie/matt
05: food
06: my wall
05 things I do everyday
01: sleep
02: go to school
03: talk to people
04: read something
05: try to write my cool story
04 people I want to spend more time with
01: nobody..
02: i don`t
03: care
04: anymore
03 movies i can watch over and over
01: donnie darko
02: spiderman 1&2
03: garden state. even thought i`ve only watched the 1st 10 min of it, but i`ve watched the 1st 10 min like 3 times
02 of my favorite songs at the moment
01: alexisonfire - adelleda
02: underoath - reinventing your exit
01 thing I'd rather be doing
01: anything at all