The Armenian Genocide and its Effects on Ethnic Identity
Denis Joseph Caron II
University of California, Santa Cruz
The Armenian Genocide and its Effects on Ethnic Identity
In a study of ethnic identity, the psychological relationship of ethnic and racial minority groups plays a very important role in establishing one’s identity, yet it is such
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i love culture alot. so i always want to learn about it more, expecially i meet some one of that culture, then i ask 2000 questions. ITs nice, cos then the next time you meet someone like that you have a connect. For instance, Danny is mexican, so he tells me stories about growing up in a mexican family. Then the otherday when i was working with seb, his friend was tehre, and said to seb that he disrepected is mother. So i asked if he was mexican and he said yes, and then i asked what seb did, and based of of mexican families i know, i explained to seb how it was disrespectful. That kid wouldnt stop talking to me after that, he was so interested in the fact that i knew stuff about being mexican, and respected it.
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