Feb 27, 2005 17:35
well....this one would be long...but i'm lazy as balls so
friday:.....amazing was really really fun chilled at tyler's, then weird people came....i was peeing and some fat kid with a cigerette kicked the door in....it was weird....and then people got their stuff stolen and the night wasn't cool for about an hour and a half and then when people got to my house it was pretty cool we all chilled, tried to watch garden state...but failed miserably
saturday: woke up at 7 or so, was dazed and really tired until about 12, had soccer practice...was suppose to go to alex's party but that fell through, but i went to mike rockel's and chilled with, gregg,david,hugh, mike, hazel and amanda... we watched shawshank redemption....one of the best movies ever! although i was kind of distracted talking to amanda who was sitting next to me and hazel....and gregg wouldn't shut up...sike i love you gregg....then we played halo, tried to watch garden state again and i failed again
sunday: woke up......nothing....more nothing.....ate really good pancakes and reese's puffs....and some more nothing and i'm about to chill at gregg's
over all......this was longer than i expected but i must say....in the span of 24 hours on friday night to saturday morning.....i chilled with Octie for the first time in about....almost 4 years, i finally met/ hung out with Rudy, got closer to tommy, and came closer to amanda and hazel.....who i've known for like....hardly more than a week....and i luv em both