Seimei is gone.
He left without a word. People say he vanished, but he just... left. I think this place did something to him. I just hope it wasn't my fault. He said we'd stay together, he asked me to protect him, and I failed him.
We didn't even get to make memories together...
Other things happened today, but they just don't seem as important as this. I met Alfons today, he's like me. We're both false images of an original. We hit it off, but he's from 1923 Germany and has no idea of what's going to happen to his country. He says he's dead in his own world so I hope he can come stay in mine. Everyone should have a place to go home to, even if it's not their own.
Hikaru tried to get me to bug Light (a new guy) with him, but I failed miserably. I just don't like picking on people. Especially since it happens to me all the time or it used to.
I had therapy today. Muraki-sensei doesn't seem bad, but he's not Sensei. It's all starting over from zero again.
Only Seimei's not here to help.
Neither is Soubi... I wonder if Seimei went home and if Soubi is back to being his Fighter now, and that's why he hasn't come here. He said he'd come if I called. I never thought I'd ever want to call that moron, but I tried today.
He lied.