
Nov 15, 2011 22:32

W o w this is getting debated over!! Unfortunately I have to be quick since I have work tomorrow and I am as usual stealing... the computer... w o o p s. Anyway. ONWARD.

so let us go over by plotlines.

The congress campaign made me laugh so hard because that is exactly what politics are like. Just. Blindless smearing. The scene where Kurt and Sue talk about that was beautiful, because for once Sue had a point (albeit a horrible one but it's ... Sue) and also because d'aw that is practically Sue admitting she likes you. AND THE CONCLUSION TO THAT but I will go there later.

Shelby/Puck makes me go no stop no oh god a lot, but damn do I love FAMILY SHIPPING them with Beth. I love how subtle it is that Mark loves babies really........ by which I mean lol Puck and Beth. And honestly Quinn deserved to be called out! and unlike when Will did it Shelby did not yell or personally insult her, so there you go this is how you call out someone on their actions. SHELBY WHAT IS GOING ON I WAS SO :T AT YOU IN SEASON ONE?? I am more torn now gaaaasp. And that scene with Rachel I just. Sigh. Shelby i sort of love you stop making out with puck

A note for Mercedes and me liking her character for once this season!!! Yaaay.

The dodgeball scene was HI LA RI OUS until they all teamed up on Rory. I am so mad that Kurt was the only one to stand up for him there. Like. Seriously, guys. No. He was BLEEDING. ):

The student campaign! Yes that is pretty much how student campaigning goes too. I VOTE TO BAN... TORNADOES... And I am of course glad that Rachel abandoned her candidacy. Honestly her running didn't bother me as much when she didn't have the lead, but yes once she got the lead she knew how much Kurt needed it, so. But then they made up with hummelberry and yes my biases went YES FOREVER NOW ... MOVE IN... TOGETHER!!!!! Hummelberry gives me more feelings than Klaine sometimes I am a terrible shipper. Uh. Also Kurt was pretty much flawless? I had heard spoilers about the dodgeball speech, and I expected to laugh my ass off and while it was indeed... out there, after what they did to Rory I had to admit he had a point. I just. KURT HUMMEL FOR PRESIDENT. If Brittany wins I will be so mad.

WHICH BRINGS ME TO TODAY'S HOT POINT: Santana vs Finn. Okay. Here is my thoughts on this:

They both need to be sat down and talked to, holy crap. Outing is NOT OKAY. Kurt's face when Finn confirmed that he had says a lot to me. He might not have meant for her to be outed ... over the state, and honestly that part is not Finn's fault? but just the fact that he outed her was. No. So yes, Finn needs to be told that what he did was just awful, and it doesn't matter if people "don't care", it is not your place. It isn't anyone's place but Santana's. And, ugh, basically gay feelings go.

HOWEVER. Oh my god Santana, stop. As much as I think her insults are epic and hilarious, she is still terrible. Fandom has admitted it, glee has admitted it, SANTANA has admitted it. And that's not okay either? Santana needs to be told that she has to stop that kind of acting. Having feelings does not excuse anyone's actions. It didn't excuse Karofsky's, it doesn't excuse Santana's. It's not okay. Bullying because you're insecure doesn't make it okay, it just means you have an explanation for your actions. The hurt is still there. Finn went over the line in his retaliation, yes! But that doesn't make anything Santana has done okay.

So basically I am not proud of either of them. Bad.

Santana gets my pity because being outed doesn't... there's no way to explain it. It's just such a horrible feeling, and you get so, so scared. But I am not mad at Finn like the rest... of the fandom? Ahaha, it is a huge war. What.

A note on the songs: no stop no what this is terrible

but rumor was good

but no how do you make idina menzel and matthew morrison sound awful they are good singers!!!!!

okay the end that wasn't quick at all


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