I Blog for Choice

Jan 22, 2007 00:00

I am pro-choice because it is the only SANE option I see.
A woman's body is her own possession and no one else's; and to each there own, as it is said. If she should want a child, then let her have a child; but if she should not have the time, the money, the ability or support or lifestyle to care for and nurture a child that she would otherwise bring into this world, then let her prevent that terrible scenario. If she has no love for children, no desire to comfort a crying baby or hold each and every young life close and protect it, then let her take the actions necessary to prevent herself from bringing an unwanted life into this world.

Pro-choice is the humane, kind way.
At least those children that would not be wanted are not born and then abandoned.

Most importantly, I am pro-choice because I respect myself and others and I believe in our right to choose for ourselves at the end of the day.
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