O Much Ado!

Dec 22, 2005 22:34

Iust, if he send me no husband, for the which
441: blessing, I am at him vpon my knees euery morning and
442: euening: Lord, I could not endure a husband with a
443: beard on his face, I had rather lie in the woollen.
You may light vpon a husband that hath no
445: beard.
What should I doe with him? dresse him in
447: my apparell, and make him my waiting gentlewoman? he
448: that hath a beard, is more then a youth: and he that hath
449: no beard, is lesse then a man: and hee that is more then a
450: youth, is not for mee: and he that is lesse then a man, I am
451: not for him: therefore I will euen take sixepence in ear-nest
452: of the Berrord, and leade his Apes into hell.
Well then, goe you into hell.
No, but to the gate, and there will the Deuill
455: meete mee like an old Cuckold with hornes on his head,
456: and say, get you to heauen Beatrice, get you to heauen,
457: heere's no place for you maids, so deliuer I vp my Apes,
458: and away to S[aint]. Peter: for the heauens, hee shewes mee
459: where the Batchellers sit, and there liue wee as merry as
460: the day is long.
Well neece, I trust you will be rul'd by your
462: father.
Yes faith, it is my cosens dutie to make curt-sie,
464: and say, as it please you: but yet for all that cosin, let
465: him be a handsome fellow, or else make an other cursie,
466: and say, father, as it please me.
Well neece, I hope to see you one day fitted
468: with a husband.
Not till God make men of some other met-tall
470: then earth, would it not grieue a woman to be ouer-mastred
471: with a peece of valiant dust: to make account of
472: her life to a clod of waiward marle? no vnckle, ile none:
473: Adams sonnes are my brethren, and truly I hold it a sinne
474: to match in my kinred.

-Much Ado About Nothing: Act II, scene 1-
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