File 11 [Coffee anyone.] (Audio; English)

May 31, 2010 16:17

[Since you've all already been thanked to heck and back for putting Jennifer away, Gunn doesn't lavish praise on y'all.]

Now that the place is safe again, is the coffeeshop open? I'm thinking about grabbing a cup, or some tea or something.

[Because maaan has he missed coffee.]

Of course, if anyone wants to come along or come say hi, you're welcome to as well. For the new people, there's a coffee shop on Deck 8. Usually there's someone there, but I don't think they'd begrudge you using it if it's empty. Anyway, that's where I'll be.

[Open commentlog! /o/ ]

where is the starbucks, i liek coffee, #brynnie, deck 8, commentlog, foooood

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