Feb 18, 2005 15:45
Kayla died yesterday she got stuck in a satal and the horse fell on her it was a sad day at school according to tony she died instantly as her twin sister ran to her crushed body. Tony is a tough guy and he looked like he was goin to cry apparently he was crying last night when he heard..i knew who she was but i din't know her..it was so sad..i have never seen so many guys cry in my life...aaa its been a bad day for everyone.you can really tell who the true ass holes are.RIP KAYLA-only the good die young
me and poop might go to a party YEAH!!- Kate and froto are goin out now thank god..i feel so bad for Kate- mom broke her guitar i mean not purposly but it fell over and the neck broke off it happened first like 2 years ago with the baby taylor and then with the ovation..but she has another shitty one and a nice 7 string washB. its pretty metal-she'll probobly cry ... that sucks ill help her pay to get it fixed we had good times with that one
im felling like i have a head cold..aaa its getting nicer good thing