Mar 09, 2007 09:39
ok well it's been ages since i last updated so here i go.
as i said in my last post i worked a lot over that week, well turns out that the friday of that week was my manager's last shift at big w *tear* it truly was a shock to the system cos hardly anyone knew or suspected it. i certainly didn't see it coming. he kept it to himself so well and yeah it was very sad when i found out. i didn't believe it at first but yeah it was true :(
he's now store manager of trade secret at macgregor. he was with big w for 16 years so i wouldn't blame him for leaving but it still would've been nice if he'd mentioned something. but yeah when he finally did tell me face to face it was sad...he asked for my mobile number so maybe he wants to keep in contact in case he needs me at trade secret haha *fingers crossed* he was an awesome manager and it's just not the same without him.
that wasn't the only change at work...we're basically getting a whole new management team cos a lot of our managers have moved to the new springfield store and my new manager is really young and just a trainee so she doesn't really know what to do. but yeah other than that everything is just going downhill in apparel...the other depts don't seem to like us...probably cos we were on top for so long and now everything's just falling falling apart hence the reason i am currently looking for a new job lol
well other than that i've just been at uni. it's ok still haven't really met anyone but it's early days lol and yeah later on today i shall be doing some more reading for fun fun haha
anyways that is all for now. take care and have a good weekend :)