May 26, 2005 10:07
Well I went and got my baby rats… their so cute! Lol. Shain and I fianlyl decided on Topaz and ruby. Shain loves them too. He came over yesterday and saw them for the first time. There still scared but I think there getting use to the environment. I will update again later on and put pics on here of them.
Well I get out of here at 1:30. I am so glad too. I want to go home and fall back asleep… Which I know I can’t do, cuz my great Aunt and Uncle are coming over today to talk to my mom about Real estate. So I got to go home, after picking up my grandma from work and take her home and then pick up my brother from school and clean. Fun fun. But its not like I should be tired. I have been falling asleep for the past 2 nights at 8:00. I guess I should figure that since I am sick. Which I think I may be getting better. I don’t feel as bad today.
Shain wants me to come home with him today, but I honestly don’t feel like it cuz I know we will have to be stuck watching Connor most of the day. Which Shains mom asked him why I never really come over there anymore and Shain flat out told her cuz I didn’t come over there to play with Connor, that I came over there to spin time with Shain and that she makes us watch him more than half the time I am over there. The great thing is, she knows it is true b/c she didn’t deny it when Shain Said that. So, anywayys, I told Shain no cuz I have my aunt and uncle coming over today. And plus, I need the rest. I probably will lie around the house all day and watch TV, Sleep, and eat. Sounds like a fun day to me! Lol.
One more day left of school. Tomorrow I have my World History exam. I have to go to math but were not doing anything in there really. I am a lil worried about my world History exam. All my other exams I did great on. Like lit was the easiest thing. Computer Applications, which I just took, was easy. Drama was easy too. Math and Biology EOCT has a lil worried tho. But I think I did fine.
Well I hope you guys are and did great on your tests… Good luck for tomorrow!
<3 Lace