
Jan 01, 2010 23:02

I found this on my profile from 2 years ago and I realise I'm a day late but I might as well just do it... so here goes!

Where did you begin 2009?
my house.

What was your status by Valentine's Day?

Were you in school (anytime this year)?
does uni count?

Did you have to go to the hospital?
hmmm no I don't think so... except I guess the clinic in St A's is now part of the hospital?

Did you have any encounters with the police?
hahaha not that much I don't think

Where did you go on vacation?
let's see... greenwich, vermont, london, val thorens, portugal, skye, mass, the highlands, austria, hungary and slovakia

What did you purchase that was over $500?
hmmm. OOOOH. i got my digital camera. delightful.

Did you know anybody who got married?
yeah... loads of the counsellors from when i was a lil munchkin.

Did you know anybody who passed away?
knew of, yes. didn't know anyone personally, though.

Did you move anywhere?
besides out of that house of doom into regsland again, no.

What sporting events did you attend?
nothing of interest, actually. sad times. i miss the giants and the yankees :-(

Describe your birthday:
haha! '80s themed!! so delightful.

What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2009?
SKYDIVE. actually, that's kinda a lie. i thought i would do it one day... i just didn't realise it would be this past year!

What has been your favorite moment(s)?
hmmmm. moments? let's pick memories instead. my last day off at camp was pretty much perfection, as was most of 2nd month. skydiving. psych weekend in the highlands was amazing. moving back into regs in general... raisin weekend. the christmas effing ball.

What's something you learned about yourself?
that chilling out won't kill me.

Any new additions to your family?
i've got a new cousin! his name's arlo.

What was your best month?
that's a difficult question. august was a good one. so was september, actually.

What music will you remember from 2009?
oh man. let's see. i've got a feeling, fight for this love, riverside, bad romance, sweet dreams, sexy bitch, beat again... so many others.

Made new friends?
the counsellors from this summer, the ickle firsties in halls, alex, psych girls, some of the returners in hall that i've either become friends with or become better friends wiith

New best friend?
hmmm no. i realised i have several 'best friends' from all the different places i've lived/gone to school/been at. i guess alex, if anyone, counts as a new bestie, as well as subo from camp possiblay.

Favorite Night out?
oh wow i don't know if i can think of one! my bday was fantastic if i remember correctly, the party on the friday of freshers week was awesome, starfields is always delightful, and prob the christmas ball. there must've bene some others.

Any regrets?
forget regret or life is yours to miss.

What do you want to change in 2010?
i need to become more fit and get back into da rowinz. i also need to be more organised and work harder.

Overall, how would you rate this year?
started off crap/not very steady 'til like the end of may and just got better from there, i think!

What would you change about 2009?
i should've taken better care of myself. but i don't need all these woulda, coulda, shouldas in my life.

Other than home, where did you spend most of your time?
define 'home'. camp and st andrews i spose!

Have any life changes in 2009?
i got into honours! that was fun.

Change your hairstyle?

Have any car accidents?
near-death experiences, yes. car accidents, no.

Buy a new car?

New BF/GF?
hahaha no. i'ma single lady

Get a new job?
ummm hall tours for ambassadors!

Do you have a New Year's resolution?
i don't believe in new years resolutions but hopefully when i get back to uni i'll get my ass in gear and do better at all the things i actually want to do well in.

Do anything embarrassing?
story of my life? <-- well said, 18-year-old me!

Buy anything new from eBay?
apparently my samantha american girl doll was bought off ebay :-D

What was your favorite purchase of 2009?
my dig cam. not the baby one, the proper one

Get married or divorced?
on facebook!! i got married.

Get arrested?
nah son

Be honest - did you watch American Idol?
hmmm. yes, a bit. i also watched x factor and britain's got talent.

Did you get sick this year?
involuntary anorexia part like 72 leading to me eating meat again. devastating. also, i've been ill like the past 3 months hahaha... flu, freshers flu, bronchitis, a cold, bronchitis again. WIN.

Start a new hobby?
going out again.

Been snowboarding?

Drank Starbucks in 2009?
is that even a question? <-- again, well said, 18-year-old me!

Are you happy to see 2009 go?
yes and no. it's time for a new decade!
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