Nov 14, 2004 08:55
Dear Nikki,
I am doing just fine. I hope you're doing the same, it seems like it. I am at my happiest as we speak, and I have been for the past few days. I might've flipped out on you the other night, just because I feel you don't understand me anymore. Please don't always think I am out doing something I'm not supposed to, and some days if I am?.. Just know that I will use my head for things. I know you trust me, and I know you know that I'm not stupid and I can fend for myself, but I just don't want you to ever think otherwise, and I think I flipped out because I wasn't sure if that's what you were already somehow leaning towards. I know you never said those things about me, but I'm saying them for you.
You're still my best friend, and I don't think any less of you. Why should I? I don't ever want you to feel as if I am looking at you any less because you don't agree with the things that I might do. I know you're not going to stop me from doing it, but I know that you care. I know that all of my friends care, and they all don't understand how much I appreciate that. Honest. In my heart is a place for all of my friends, all of the people that matter to me, and I care for them just as well.
When I think, I just look up at the stars. I try to find the brightest one in the sky, the one that shines the most. I do that when I think of you. We are the stars Nikki. And everything is happiness. Happiness, soak it up, because you only live once.
This entry is coming to an end but I just want to tell you that I miss you. I feel as if we're spreading farther and farther apart, just because of everything and maybe you can agree? But I love you, and I know that you love me, and that just keeps me smiling. Honestly, it does.
Love Always,
Your "Best Friend"