Jun 14, 2005 15:14
Ouch!.... im so bruised up from flags i have this one on my arm that i
keep hittting ( i measured its 1 inch by 2 inches!!) yuck! soo theres
this one toss i cant get and its really bothering me... jessica's going
to help me with it.
well anyways.... heres what im going to be up to for the next few weeks
Wednesday- swimming!!
Friday- i have the can drive flag sleepover
The Flag Car Wash (10am-2pm @ the church next to north you should all
Sunday(19th-22nd) FLAG CAMP!!
July 2nd-9th Up north with trevor!!!
July ? - Aug. 2nd DRIVERS ED
omg im so excited... this summer is going to be amazing!! Ill be so upset when school starts...
I <3 Summer!