so...i'm really slow at this whole update the journal put the pictures in kind of thing. but from the looks of it, nobody reads this thing anyways. lol. well these are pictures from me and gia's super cool weekend at the maroon 5 concert. i had so much fun. and that girl rocks. we got "the thrills" autographs, and "the thrills" are irish and have the coolest accent and said the hottest "fucking'' ever. i was determined to get maroon 5's autographs, BUT, somebody kept telling me no. lol.
"My boobs are bigger and i can move them!" -Security man
"St thomas the school?" -jess from the front desk "No, the BEACH" stupid idiot people.
On the way out from the concert these guys were handing out this full throttle stuff and these like college kids were like "FULL THROTTLE?! FULL THROTTLE!" and they said it OVER AND OVER it was so funny. They stuffed theyre like shirts with it and one guy was talking to the cop and hes like "so my dads a cop, he used to patrol the bars and stuff" and the nice cop was like "yeah those drunks...they never leave.." and the guys like "Well thats a belligerent drunk for ya!" I was so impressed lol it was cute <<---taken from gia's entry cuz i didnt wanna type it.
Touchdown! Homerun! Triple! Hat trick! Calypso! Go Minnesota?
anyways. here are some pictures fool.
adam levine!!
and i hate this picture but its funny so there. and its a secret and nobody will know what that picture means
and it all started with these tickets :)